Articles in All Issues - Search Results
Hakan Savlı, from Only for Music
Translated from the Turkish by Abbas Karakaya and Elizabeth Raible
Kiwao Nomura, On Prose
Translated from the Japanese by Forrest Gander and Kyoko Yoshida
Melih Cevdet Anday, from A Poem in the Manner of Karacaoglan
Translated from the Turkish by Sidney Wade and Efe Murad
Tan Chee Lay, Views and Testimony of a Sheep
Translated from the Chinese by Teng Qian Xi
José Antonio Mazzotti, from Sakra Boccata
Translated from the Spanish by Clayton Eshleman
Archilochus and Anacreon, from Rough Trade
Translated from the Ancient Greek by George Economou
Ko Un, Himalaya Poems
Translated from the Korean by Brother Anthony of Taizé and Lee Sang-Wha
Gleb Shulpyakov, from Moscow! A Fireproof Box
Translated from the Russian by Christopher Mattison
Fabio Pusterla, Stellar Body
Translated from the Italian by Damiano Abeni and Moira Egan
Habib Tengour, from Exile is my Trade: A Habib Tengour Reader
Translated from the French by Pierre Joris
Aimé Césaire, from Solar Throat Slashed
Translated from the French by A. James Arnold and Clayton Eshleman
Mihail Gălăţanu, Deceiver's World
Translated from the Romanian by Adam J. Sorkin and Petru Iamandi
Elisa Biagini, from In the Wood
Translated from the Italian by Eugene Ostashevsky and Elisa Biagini
Doina Ioanid, Chants for Taming the Hedgehog Sow
Translated from the Romanian by Florin Bican
Mehmet Erte, Because I am a Rose
Translated from the Turkish by Abbas Karakaya and Elizabeth Raible
Massimo Gezzi, from The Moment After
Translated from the Italian by Damiano Abeni and Moira Egan
Tomaž Šalamun and Joshua Beckman, Four Poems
Translated from the Slovenian by Michael Thomas Taren and Tomaž Šalamun and Joshua Beckman
George Gömöri, Three Poems
Translated from the Hungarian by Mari Gömöri, Jamie McKendrick, and George Gömöri
Yu Xuanji, from The Complete Poems of Yu Xuanji
Translated from the Chinese by Leonard Ng
Sagawa Chika, from The Collected Poems of Sagawa Chika
Translated from the Japanese by Sawako Nakayasu
Lee Sung-Mi, from When Someone Stays Too Long
Translated from the Korean by Gwee Li Sui
Max Lichtenstein, from Mambos Religiosos
Translated from the Spanish by Cordelia Brodsky
Fernando Pessoa, from The Uncollected Poems of Alberto Caeiro
Translated from the Portuguese by Michael Lee Rattigan
Freke Räihä, from Swedish Trees – a conceptual floræ. / Extracts of fruit:
Translated from the Swedish by Freke Räihä
César Vallejo, from Against Professional Secrets
Translated from the Spanish by Joseph Mulligan
Celia Dropkin, from In the Hot Wind
Translated from the Yiddish by Faith Jones, Jennifer Kronovet, and Samuel Solomon
Various Burmese Poets, from Bones will Crow
Translated from the Burmese by ko ko thett and James Byrne
Allan Popa, Six Poems
Translated from the Filipino by Jose Perez Beduya, Jose Edmundo Ocampo Reyes, and Marc Gaba
Stéphane Mallarmé, That for these pure nails
Translated from the French by Stephen Cahaly
Anonymous, attributed to Śankara, from Soundarya Laharī
Translated from the Sanskrit by Mani Rao
Rogério Zola Santiago, Improbable Christmas
Translated from the Portuguese by Lloyd Schwartz
Hsia Yü, Now These Objects Will Move by Themselves
Translated from the Chinese by Steve Bradbury
Hilda Hilst, from Joy, Memory, Novitiate of Passion
Translated from the Portuguese by Beatriz Bastos
Soumitra Mohan, from Luqman Ali
Translated from the Hindi by Samartha Vashishtha and Shailendra Shail
Flávio de Araújo, from Zangareio
Translated from the Portuguese by Rachel Morgenstern-Clarren
Rachida Madani, from Tales of a Severed Head
Translated from the French by Marilyn Hacker
Ava Koohbor, from Doubt itself is a belief
Translated from the Persian by Patrick James Dunagan and Ava Koohbor
Shushanik Kurghinian, We As Two Separate Planets
Translated from the Armenian by Shushan Avagyan
Francesca Pellegrino, from Chernobylove — the day after the wind
Translated from the Italian by Adria Bernardi
George Vulturescu, The Tension of Detail
Translated from the Romanian by Adam J. Sorkin and Olimpia Iacob
Marie-Claire Bancquart, from With Death, an Orange Segment between Our Teeth
Translated from the French by Wendeline A. Hardenberg
Arseny Tarkovsky, Three Poems
Translated from the Russian by Philip Metres and Dimitri Psurtsev
MARGENTO, from Europe. A Gypsy Epithalamium
Translated from the Romanian by Martin Woodside
Ionuț Sociu, unirea urziceni was beating the glasgow rangers
Translated from the Romanian by Oana Sanziana Marian
Afzal Ahmed Syed, A Preliminary Sketch Concerning a Language
Translated from the Urdu by Musharraf Ali Farooqi
Nicolas Pesquès, from The North Face of Mount Juliau, Six
Translated from the French by Cole Swensen
Kim Hyesoon, from Sorrowtoothpaste Mirrorcream
Translated from the Korean by Choi Don Mee
Ariane Dreyfus, Paradise
Translated from the French by Elias Simpson and Corinne Noirot
Aleksey Porvin, A Dark House Is Quietly Collapsing
Translated from the Russian by J. Kates
Limam Boicha, from Los versos de la madera
Translated from the Spanish by Joseph Mulligan
Vsevolod Nekrasov, from I Live I See
Translated from the Russian by Bela Shayevich and Ainsley Morse
Szilárd Borbély, from The Hasidic Sequences
Translated from the Hungarian by Ottilie Mulzet
Lam Thi My Da, On Henri Rousseau's The Sleeping Gypsy
Translated from the Vietnamese by Martha Collins and Thuy Dinh
Kim Kyung Ju, from I Am a Season that Does Not Exist in the World
Translated from the Korean by Jake Levine and Jung Hi-Yeon
Nicolae Coande, The Black Fire Stoker
Translated from the Romanian by Adam J. Sorkin and Claudia Serea
Mehmet Erte, i can reflect light as well as anyone
Translated from the Turkish by Buğra Giritlioğlu
Aandaal, from The Sacred Songs of the Lady
Translated from the Tamil by Priya Sarukkai Chabria and Ravi Shankar
Natalia Toledo, from The Black Flower and Other Zapotec Poems
Translated from the Isthmus Zapotec and Spanish by Natalia Toledo and Clare Sullivan
Vyomesh Shukla, What I Wanted to Write
Translated from the Hindi by Samartha Vashishtha
Arash Allahverdi, Shitkilling
Translated from the Persian by Alireza Taheri Araghi and Thade Correa
Farhad Showghi, from End of the City Map
Translated from the German by Rosmarie Waldrop
Maxim Amelin, from The Horse of the Gorgon
Translated from the Russian by Derek Mong and Anne O. Fisher
Indrė Valantinaitė, from Stories About Love and Other Animals
Translated from the Lithuanian by Rimas Uzgiris
Víctor Rodríguez Núñez, from reverses
Translated from the Spanish by Katherine M. Hedeen
Yousef el Qedra, It Was Concealed in Interpretation
Translated from the Arabic by Yasmin Snounu, Edward Morin, and Yasser Tabbaa
Luis García Montero, from Diary of an Accomplice
Translated from the Spanish by Alice McAdams
Ana Ristović, from Little Zebras: Selected Poems
Translated from the Serbian by Steven and Maja Teref
Lev Rubinstein, A Little Night Serenade
Translated from the Russian by Philip Metres and Tatiana Tulchinsky
Abdourahman Waberi, from The Nomads, My Brothers, Will Drink from the Big Dipper
Translated from the French by Nancy Naomi Carlson
Waly Salomão, Jet-Lagged Poem
Translated from the Portuguese by Maryam Monalisa Gharavi
Shuzo Takiguchi, from Seven Poems
Translated from the Japanese by Yuki Tanaka and Mary Jo Bang
Antonio Geraldini, To Mary, the Goddess Announced in Florence
Translated from the Latin by Emily Wilson
Mieczysław Jastrun, from Memorials
Translated from the Polish by Dzvinia Orlowsky and Jeff Friedman
Wang Xiaoni, from Something Crosses My Mind
Translated from the Chinese by Eleanor Goodman
Ofelia Prodan, Apollodorus the Loose-tongued and the Priests
Translated from the Romanian by Florin Bican
Timur Kibirov, from Greek and Roman Catholic Songs and Nursery Rhymes
Translated from the Russian by Jamie Olson
Grzegorz Wróblewski, Enhanced Interrogation Techniques
Translated from the Polish by Piotr Gwiazda
Marcelo Morales Cintero, from The Circle's Spell
Translated from the Spanish by Kristin Dykstra
Husam Al-Saray, from The Desert Laughs Alone
Translated from the Arabic by Alex V. Gubbins
Nathalie Quintane, from Joan of Arc
Translated from the French by Cynthia Hogue and Sylvain Gallais
Durs Grünbein, from Porcelain: Poem on the Downfall of my City
Translated from the German by Monika Cassel
Moikom Zeqo, from Letters from the Dark
Translated from the Albanian by Loredana Mihani
Nadia Anjuman, from Dark Flower
Translated from the Dari by Diana Arterian and Marina Omar
Lila Zemborain, from The Murmur of Borders
Translated from the Spanish by Manuel Fihman
Jorge Esquinca, from Description of a Glowing Cobalt Blue
Translated from the Spanish by Joshua Sperling
Florencia Walfisch, from Garlic Soup and Mezcal
Translated from the Spanish by Alexis Almeida
Sodéh Negintaj, And Should You Feign Resistance
Translated from the Persian by Alireza Taheri Araghi
Yiannis Efthymiades, from 9/11 or Falling Man
Translated from the Greek by Karen Van Dyck
Guy Jean, from Air Triste
Translated from the French by Jen Lagedrost and Catherine Fagan
José Eugenio Sánchez, from galaxy limited café
Translated from the Spanish by Anna Rosenwong
Abdellatif Laâbi, Letter to My Friends Overseas
Translated from the French by André Naffis-Sahely
Ursula Andkjær Olsen, from Third-Millennium Heart
Translated from the Danish by Katrine Øgaard Jensen
Yves Bonnefoy, Passerby, Do You Want to Know?
Translated from the French by Thade Correa
Lalbihari Sharma, from Holi Songs of Demerara
Translated from the Awadhi-Bhojpuri by Rajiv Mohabir
Pura López-Colomé, from Hearing and Forgetting
Translated from the Spanish by Dan Bellm
Dalthon Pineda, How to Die in Zapotec
Translated from the Isthmus Zapotec by Jake Sandler
Leslie Kaplan, from Excess—The Factory
Translated from the French by Julie Carr and Jennifer Pap
Vicente Huidobro, from Sky-Quake: Tremor of Heaven
Translated from the Spanish and French by Ignacio Infante and Michael Leong
Allan Popa, from Us from all Evil
Translated from the Filipino by Marc Gaba, Jose Edmundo Ocampo Reyes, and Allan Popa
Czar Gutiérrez, from Fall of the Tightrope Walker
Translated from the Spanish by Marta del Pozo and Nicholas Rattner
Emilian Galaicu-Păun, iov & vio
Translated from the Romanian by Adam J. Sorkin and Diana Manole
Maiko Sugimoto, from Hemflower
Translated from the Japanese by Sim Yee Chiang and Sayuri Okamoto
Tomaž Šalamun and Joshua Beckman, from Opera Buffa
Translated from the Slovenian by Matthew Moore and Tomaž Šalamun and Joshua Beckman
Various Aztec Authors, from Songs of Mexico
Translated from the Náhuatl by David Bowles
F. T. Marinetti, from Venezianella the Futurist
Translated from the Italian by Jennifer Scappettone
Martin Glaz Serup, from Roman Nights
Translated from the Danish by Christopher Sand-Iversen
Mesándel Virtusio Arguelles, Deep Well
Translated from the Filipino by Kristine Ong Muslim
Juan Carlos Quintero-Herencia, from Body of Miracles
Translated from the Spanish by Erica Mena
Elsa Morante, from The World Saved by Kids
Translated from the Italian by Cristina Viti
Vítězslav Nezval, from The Absolute Gravedigger
Translated from the Czech by Stephan Delbos and Tereza Novická
Moses Mtileni, I Have Gone Away Many Times
Translated from the Xitsonga by Moses Mtileni
Raúl Gómez Jattin, Five Poems
Translated from the Spanish by James Rumsey-Merlan and Camila Vélez Valencia
Roberto Echavarren, The Lady from Shanghai
Translated from the Spanish by Donald Wellman
Rodrigo Lira, Testimony of Circumstances
Translated from the Spanish by Rodrigo Olavarría and Thomas Rothe
Norman Erikson Pasaribu, from Sergius Seeks Bacchus
Translated from the Indonesian by Tiffany Tsao
Bachtyar Ali, from Friendly Harbor, Hostile Ship
Translated from the Kurdish-Sorani by Dilan Qadir
Nathan Trantraal, from Chokers en Survivors
Translated from the Kaapse Afrikaans by Alice Inggs
Mária Ferenčuhová, Threatened Species
Translated from the Slovak by James Sutherland-Smith
Ion Monoran, Four Poems
Translated from the Romanian by Marius Surleac and Marc Vincenz
Ken'ichi Sasō, from The Forest Sounds Like Waves
Translated from the Japanese by Noriko Hara and Joe DeLong
Santiago Vizcaíno, Let the Dead Come to Me
Translated from the Spanish by Kimrey Anna Batts
Ann Jäderlund, from Which Once Had Been Meadow
Translated from the Swedish by Johannes Göransson
Ghassan Zaqtan, from The Silence That Remains
Translated from the Arabic by Fady Joudah
Sandra Moussempès, from Sunny Girls
Translated from the French by Hadley Sorsby-Jones and Sandra Moussempès
Marosa di Giorgio, from I Remember Nightfall
Translated from the Spanish by Jeannine Marie Pitas
Ko Un, from Poems for Sang Hwa—Planetary Love
Translated from the Korean by Soyoung Park
Carlito Azevedo, from Monodrama
Translated from the Portuguese by Sarah Rebecca Kersley
Valerie Mejer Caso, from Edinburgh Notebook
Translated from the Spanish by Michelle Gil-Montero
Marcus Terentius Varro, from Menippean Satires
Translated from the Latin by Joseph McAlhany
Monchoachi, from Black and Blue Partition (‘Mistry 2)
Translated from the French by Patricia Hartland
César Moro, from The Equestrian Turtle
Translated from the Spanish by Leslie Bary and Esteban Quispe
Ana Cristina Cesar, from At Your Feet
Translated from the Portuguese by Brenda Hillman, Helen Hillman, and Sebastião Edson Macedo
Khal Torabully, from Cargo Hold of Stars
Translated from the French by Nancy Naomi Carlson
Hubert Matiúwàa, Earthen Skin
Translated from the Mè’phàà and Spanish by Paul M. Worley
Mekdes Jemberu, The Home I Left Behind
Translated from the Amharic by Fasika Ayalew and Chris Beckett
Iya Kiva, from A Little Further from Heaven
Translated from the Russian by Katherine E. Young
Gábor Schein, from Greetings from Inside the Continent
Translated from the Hungarian by Erika Mihálycsa
Lothar Quinkenstein, The Bridge of Paper
Translated from the German by Yanara Friedland
Michèle Métail, from The Earth’s Horizons: Panorama
Translated from the French by Marcella Durand
Yi Won, from A Thousand Moons Float in the River Yahoo!
Translated from the Korean by Kevin Michael Smith
Yadollah Royai, from The Past Me: Signature
Translated from the Persian by Kaveh Bassiri
Patron Henekou, from Winds from Yonderheart
Translated from the French by Patron Henekou
Sabino Esteban, from Wings and Roots
Translated from the Q’anjob’al and Spanish by José García Escobar
Liliane Giraudon, from Love is Colder Than the Lake
Translated from the French by Sarah Riggs and Lindsay Turner
Sebastián Jiménez Galindo, from Experimental Gardening Manual
Translated from the Spanish by Naomi Washer
Luciany Aparecida, from Ordinary Tales of Melancholy
Translated from the Portuguese by Elisa Wouk Almino
Peter Macsovszky, from Sarcangelium
Translated from the Slovak by Ivana Hostová and James Sutherland-Smith
Steinn Steinarr, Time and Water
Translated from the Icelandic by Christopher Burawa and Cynthia Hogue
Anonymous, from the Fatrasies d’Arras
Translated from the Old French by Donato Mancini and Ted Byrne
Oriette D'Angelo, from Heart Diseases
Translated from the Spanish by Lupita Eyde-Tucker
Şükrü Erbaş, from Songs of the Vineyard Harvest
Translated from the Turkish by Derick Mattern
Gertrud Kolmar, from Animal Dreams
Translated from the German by Anna Henke and Julia Gutterman
María Negroni, from Elegy for Joseph Cornell
Translated from the Spanish by Allison A. deFreese
João Luís Barreto Guimarães, from Mediterranean
Translated from the Portuguese by Calvin Olsen
Bijan Elahi, High Tide of the Eyes
Translated from the Persian by Rebecca Ruth Gould and Kayvan Tahmasebian
Nicole Brossard, from SeaMother, or the Bitteroded Chapter
Translated from the French by Robert Majzels and Erín Moure
Karin Fellner, from Without a Cosmonaut Suit
Translated from the German by Zane Johnson
Pamela Proietti, Poemetto in G-Minor
Translated from the Italian by Stephen Eric Berry and María Rodríguez Santiago
Andrei Monastyrski, from Nothing Happens
Translated from the Russian by Brian Droitcour and Yelena Kalinsky
Fabián Severo, from Night in the North
Translated from the Portunhol by Laura Cesarco Eglin and Jesse Lee Kercheval
Alberto Pucheu, from Poem to be Read on Inauguration Day
Translated from the Portuguese by Robert Smith
Paula Abramo, from In the Maria Zélia Political Prison, 1935
Translated from the Spanish by Dick Cluster
Osip Mandelstam, from Voronezh Notebook
Translated from the Russian by John High and Matvei Yankelevich
Violeta Savu, Four Poems
Translated from the Romanian by Elena Ciobanu and Daniela Hendea
Branko Ve Poljanski, The Red Rooster
Translated from the Serbo-Croatian by Steven and Maja Teref
Pablo Ingberg, from No One Answers The Calls
Translated from the Spanish by Sarah Moses
Mario Santiago Papasquiaro, from Bleeding from All 5 Senses
Translated from the Spanish by Cole Heinowitz
Dmitri Alexandrovich Prigov, from Soviet Texts
Translated from the Russian by Simon Schuchat
Seo Jung Hak, from The Cheapest France in Town
Translated from the Korean by Megan Sungyoon
Natalia Toledo, from Deche Bitoope
Translated from the Zapotec and Spanish by Clare Sullivan and Irma Pineda
Gelsys García Lorenzo, Four Poems
Translated from the Spanish by Maria Grau Perejoan and Loretta Collins Klobah
Henri Meschonnic, Four Poems
Translated from the French by Don Boes and Gabriella Bedetti
Mina Decu, from Detachment
Translated from the Romanian by Anca Roncea and Raj Chakrapani
Abd al-Qāder Bīdel of Delhi, Two Lyric Poems on Meditation
Translated from the Persian by Jane Mikkelson
Claudiu Komartin, from Masters of a Dying Art
Translated from the Romanian by Diana Manole
Lamis Saidi, from Like a Dwarf Inching Toward Legend
Translated from the Arabic by Hodna Bentali Gharsallah Nuernberg and Koen De Cuyper
Lolita Agamalova, Dilige, et quod vis fac
Translated from the Russian by Eugene Ostashevsky and Ainsley Morse
Balam Rodrigo, from Central American Book of the Dead
Translated from the Spanish by Dan Bellm
Anonymous Poets of Southeastern Iran, Lickos: Syllabic Poetry of the Oasis
Translated from the Persian and Roudbari by Mahdi Ganjavi, Amin Fatemi, and Mansour Alimoradi
Ribka Sibhatu, from Aulò
Translated from the Italian and Amharic by André Naffis-Sahely and Ribka Sibhatu
Riyad al-Salih al-Hussein, Five Poems
Translated from the Arabic by Suneela Mubayi and Rana Issa
André Breton and Philippe Soupault, from The Magnetic Fields
Translated from the French by Charlotte Mandell
Alberto Caeiro, from The Keeper of Sheep
Translated from the Portuguese by Margaret Jull Costa and Patricio Ferrari
Victoria Guerrero Peirano, Diary of a Proletarian Seamstress
Translated from the Spanish by Anastatia Spicer and Honora Spicer
Stella N'Djoku, from Comet
Translated from the Italian by Julia Anastasia Pelosi-Thorpe
Yi Won, Three Poems
Translated from the Korean by E. J. Koh and Marci Calabretta Cancio-Bello
Translated from the French by MARGENTO
Rosa Chávez, Seven Poems
Translated from the Spanish and Kiché by Gabriela Ramirez-Chavez
Max Rojas, Bodies One
Translated from the Spanish by Zane Koss and Gerónimo Sarmiento Cruz
Najwan Darwish, Exhausted on the Cross
Translated from the Arabic by Kareem James Abu-Zeid
Ljubomir Micić, Airplane Without an Engine
Translated from the Serbo-Croatian by Suzana Vuljevic
Laure Gauthier, stone kaspar
Translated from the French by Christopher Alexander Kostritsky Gellert
Bouchaib Gadir, Small Dreams
Translated from the Arabic by Ghada Mourad and Kareem James Abu-Zeid
Adela Greceanu, from Words are also a Province
Translated from the Romanian by Monica Cure
Olivia Elias, from Your Name, Palestine
Translated from the French by Sarah Riggs and Jérémy Robert
Freke Räihä, from Lines from the Finnish, the desolate Scania, ja from West Bothnia
Translated from the Swedish by Freke Räihä
Mariella Nigro, from Memory Rewritten
Translated from the Spanish by Jesse Lee Kercheval and Jeannine Marie Pitas
Hedva Harechavi, Around You Around Us Around Me
Translated from the Hebrew by Linda Stern Zisquit
Shahin Sadeghzadeh, from I feel a universe breathing inside me
Translated from the Persian by Khashayar Kess Mohammadi
Dag T. Straumsvåg, Four Poems
Translated from the Norwegian by Robert Hedin and Dag T. Straumsvåg
Anuar Duisenbinov, from Metamorph
Translated from the Kazakh and Russian by Mariya Deykute and Victoria Thorstensson
Adriano González León, The Site of Paradise
Translated from the Spanish by Maria Anna Zazzarino
Nguyen Quang Thieu, from Slaughterhouse
Translated from the Vietnamese by Nguyen Quang Thieu and Bruce Weigl
Alireza Abiz, The Desert Monitor
Translated from the Persian by Alireza Abiz and Edward Doegar
Osip Mandelstam, Lines on an Unknown Soldier
Translated from the Russian by Margaree Little
Signe Gjessing, from Tractatus Philosophico-Poeticus
Translated from the Danish by Denise Newman
Almog Behar, First We'll Speak Many Words About God
Translated from the Hebrew by Shoshana Olidort
Juan Calzadilla, from Dictated by the Pack
Translated from the Spanish by Katherine M. Hedeen and Olivia Lott
Yaryna Chornohuz, A Cycle of Wartime Poems
Translated from the Ukrainian by Ostap Kin and Kate Tsurkan
Saeed Tavanaee Marvi, The Open Tome
Translated from the Persian by Khashayar Kess Mohammadi
Rosabetty Muñoz, from In the Name of No One
Translated from the Spanish by Elena Barcia
Laura Vazquez, from The Hand of the Hand
Translated from the French by Limited Connection Collective
Nazlı Karabıyıkoğlu, There’s no cure for the dead
Translated from the Turkish by Ralph Hubbell
Olga Bragina, Six Poems about War
Translated from the Russian by Josephine von Zitzewitz
Juana Peñate Montejo, Seven Poems
Translated from the Ch'ol by Carol Rose Little and Charlotte Friedman
Aco Šopov, from Reader of the Ashes
Translated from the Macedonian by Rawley Grau and Christina E. Kramer
Mariana Berenice Bredow Vargas, Let it Go
Translated from the Spanish by Forrest Gander
Leslie Kaplan, from Book of Skies
Translated from the French by Jennifer Pap and Julie Carr
Fernando Pessoa, from The Complete Works of Álvaro de Campos
Translated from the Portuguese by Margaret Jull Costa and Patricio Ferrari
Antònia Vicens i Picornell, from Lovely
Translated from the Catalan by Laia Sales Merino
Pamela Proietti, Two Poems
Translated from the Italian by Donna Mancusi-Ungaro Hart and Stephen Eric Berry
Muḥammad al-Māghūṭ, Three Poems
Translated from the Arabic by Nina Youkhanna and Elliott Colla
Salvador Espriu, from The Book of Sinera
Translated from the Catalan by Sonia Alland and Richard Jeffrey Newman
Diana Garza Islas, from Black Box Named Like to Me
Translated from the Spanish by Cal Paule
Zang Di, from The Loquat Boy: Elegies for my Son
Translated from the Chinese by Eleanor Goodman
Habib Tengour, from Women of The Odyssey
Translated from the French by Teresa Villa-Ignacio
Ghazal Mosadeq, from Andarzname
Translated from the Persian by Khashayar Kess Mohammadi
Elina Sventsytska, I Write to You From the East
Translated from the Ukrainian by Wendi Bootes
Marianne Van Hirtum, from Mathematical Night
Translated from the French by Hilary Clark
Murilo Mendes, Four Poems
Translated from the Portuguese by Lucas Lazzaretti and Brett DeFries
Yari Bernasconi, from New Days of Dust
Translated from the Italian by V. Penelope Pelizzon
Ayaka Satō, The Unseen Kyoto
Translated from the Japanese by Corey Wakeling and Hiromitsu Koiso
Cécile Mainardi, from Rose Mortal Activity
Translated from the French by Léon Pradeau and Clara Nizard
marwin vos, from wild death
Translated from the Dutch by Frances Welling and Nguyễn Thị Mai
Leeladhar Jagoori, from What of the Earth Was Saved
Translated from the Hindi by Matt Reeck
Ozan Zakariya Keskinkılıç, from prinzenbad
Translated from the German by Özgecan Kesici
Alara Adilow, from Myths and Traffic Lights
Translated from the Dutch by Shimanto Robin Reza
Jazra Khaleed, from The Light that Burns Us
Translated from the Greek by Viktoras Iliopoulos
Yuri Andrukhovych, Four Poems
Translated from the Ukrainian by John Hennessy and Ostap Kin
Ali Wajeeh, Three Poems
Translated from the Arabic by Muntather Alsawad and Jeffrey Clapp
Osdany Morales, from The Past is a Lonesome Town
Translated from the Spanish by Harry Bauld
Amelia Rosselli, from Document
Translated from the Italian by Roberta Antognini and Deborah Woodard
Ekaterina Derysheva, Five Poems
Translated from the Russian by Kevin M. F. Platt and various translators
Jacobo Glantz, from Steps in the Mountains
Translated from the Yiddish by Mordecai Martin
Kornelia Koepsell, from The Harmonica
Translated from the German by Marielle Sutherland and Kornelia Koepsell
Maria-Mercè Marçal, from The Sister, the Stranger
Translated from the Catalan by Núria Alishio-Caballero
Grzegorz Kwiatkowski, from Without an Orchestra
Translated from the Polish by Peter Constantine
Thórdís Helgadóttir, Three Poems
Translated from the Icelandic by Larissa Kyzer and Meg Matich
Prisca Agustoni, from Mutilated World
Translated from the Portuguese by Alice Osti Magalhães and Jenny Marshall Rodger
Miguel Hernández, from The Unending Lightning
Translated from the Spanish by Pedro Poitevin
Osip Mandelstam, Three Poems from 1937
Translated from the Russian by John High and Matvei Yankelevich
Ludwik Sztyrmer, from Phrenophagos and Phrenolestes
Translated from the Polish by Soren Gauger
Thomas Bernhard, Is It A Comedy? Is It A Tragedy?
Translated from the German by Martin Chalmers
Ingrid Winterbach, from The Book of Happenstance
Translated from the Afrikaans by Dirk Winterbach and Ingrid Winterbach
Jonas Hassen Khemiri, Only in New York
Translated from the Swedish by Rachel Willson-Broyles
Torgny Lindgren, The Tree
Translated from the Swedish by Erika Sigvardsdotter and Bradley L. Garrett
Franco Arminio, from Postcards from the Dead
Translated from the Italian by Damiano Abeni and Moira Egan
Jean-Philippe Toussaint, from The Truth about Marie
Translated from the French by Matthew B. Smith
Haruki Murakami, from 1Q84
Translated from the Japanese by Jay Rubin and Philip Gabriel
A. L. Snijders, from The Mole and Other Very Short Animal Stories
Translated from the Dutch by Lydia Davis
Bruno Jasieński, from I Burn Paris
Translated from the Polish by Soren Gauger and Marcin Piekoszewski
Josef Winkler, from Natura Morta: A Roman Novella
Translated from the German by Adrian West
Goce Smilevski, from Freud's Sister
Translated from the Macedonian by Christina E. Kramer
Aamer Hussein, Knotted Tongue
Translated from the Urdu by Aamer Hussein and Carole Smith
Mushtaq Ahmad Yousufi, from The First Memorable Poetry Festival of Dhiraj Ganj
Translated from the Urdu by Matt Reeck and Aftab Ahmad
Toh EnJoe, Harlequin's Butterfly
Translated from the Japanese by Sim Yee Chiang and Sayuri Okamoto
Miklós Szentkuthy, from Towards the One and Only Metaphor
Translated from the Hungarian by Tim Wilkinson
Lo Kwai Cheung, Me and Him and Chris on Northbound 101
Translated from the Chinese by Steve Bradbury
Wu Ming-Yi, from The Man with Compound Eyes
Translated from the Chinese by Darryl Sterk
László Krasznahorkai, I Don't Need Anything from Here
Translated from the Hungarian by Ottilie Mulzet
Melanie Taylor Herrera, The Voyage
Translated from the Spanish by Christina Vega-Westhoff
Ramo Nakajima, from Tonight, in All the Bars
Translated from the Japanese by Sayuri Okamoto and Sim Yee Chiang
Elina Hirvonen, from Farthest from Death
Translated from the Finnish by Douglas Robinson
Jana Beňová, Where to in Bratislava
Translated from the Slovak by Beatrice Smigasiewicz
Margarita García Robayo, Until a Hurricane Sweeps Through
Translated from the Spanish by Maureen Shaughnessy
Wilma Stockenström, from The Expedition to the Baobab Tree
Translated from the Afrikaans by J. M. Coetzee
Philipp Schönthaler, The Hay Smells Different to the Lovers Than to the Horses
Translated from the German by Amanda DeMarco
Antonio Ungar, from The Ears of the Wolf
Translated from the Spanish by Katherine Silver
Marianne Fritz, from The Gravity of Circumstances
Translated from the German by Adrian West
Silke Scheuermann, Lisa and the Heavenly Body
Translated from the German by Lucy Renner Jones
Mohammed Said Abdulla, from If Even the Spirit Child
Translated from the Swahili by Nathalie S. Koenings
Karim Zaimović, The Invasion of the Cows
Translated from the Bosnian by Ellen Elias-Bursac
Betina González, News of a Girl Lost at Sea
Translated from the Spanish by Meghan Flaherty
Ch'oe In-ho, from Another Man's City
Translated from the Korean by Bruce and Ju-Chan Fulton
Ko Machida, from Canal Dredging
Translated from the Japanese by Sim Yee Chiang and Sayuri Okamoto
Andrey Platonov, from Chevengur
Translated from the Russian by Robert Chandler, Elizabeth Chandler, and Olga Meerson
Aleš Šteger, from The Book of Bodies
Translated from the Slovenian by Brian Henry and Urška Charney
Yasutaka Tsutsui, Descent into Yoppa Valley
Translated from the Japanese by Sayuri Okamoto and Sim Yee Chiang
Anatoly Kudryavitsky, A Symphony's Farewell
Translated from the Russian by Carol Ermakova
Marek Vadas, The Healer
Translated from the Slovak by Julia Sherwood and Peter Sherwood
Anonymous, from The Legend of the Dakini Ray of Sunlight (White Tārā)
Translated from the Mongolian by Ottilie Mulzet
Frøydis Sollid Simonsen, Every Morning I Crawl Out of the Ocean
Translated from the Norwegian by Becky L. Crook
Werner Kofler, Speculations About the Queen of the Night
Translated from the German by Vincent Kling
Mahsa Mohebali, Love in the Footnotes
Translated from the Persian by Maryam Zehtabi Sabeti Moqaddam
Lídia Jorge, The Bird Hypothesis
Translated from the Portuguese by Sinead Crehan, Christine Fernandes, Margaret Jull Costa, and Hazel Robins
Maïssa Bey, Cafés Morts
Translated from the French by Hodna Bentali Gharsallah Nuernberg
Lika Tcheishvili, Daland
Translated from the Georgian by Ekaterine Chialashvili and Alex Scrivener
Mohamed Kacimi, Thos Zimigrins from Bakinthir
Translated from the French by Hodna Bentali Gharsallah Nuernberg
Intan Paramaditha, Visiting a Haunted House
Translated from the Indonesian by Stephen Epstein
Margarita García Robayo, from Orchids
Translated from the Spanish by Alicia Maria Meier
Karine Nyborg, The Convex Hull Will Always Exist
Translated from the Norwegian by Rosie Hedger
Miquel de Palol, from The Garden of Seven Twilights
Translated from the Catalan by Adrian Nathan West
Choi Suchol, from Dance of the POWs
Translated from the Korean by Bruce and Ju-Chan Fulton
Jacques Fux, from I Am What I Can't Remember
Translated from the Portuguese by Hillary Auker
José Revueltas, from The Hole
Translated from the Spanish by Sophie Hughes and Amanda Hopkinson
Osama Alomar, Nuclear Bomb
Translated from the Arabic by Osama Alomar and Christian Collins
Gwenaëlle Aubry, from Persephone 2014
Translated from the French by Wendeline A. Hardenberg
Neus Canyelles, from The Best Vacation of My Life
Translated from the Catalan by Marlena Gittleman
Kalina Maleska, The Master of the Mahala
Translated from the Macedonian by Kalina Maleska
Paola Presciuttini, from Trotula
Translated from the Italian by Deborah Cannarella and Speranza Migliore
Radka Denemarková, from Hours of Lead
Translated from the Czech by Julia and Peter Sherwood
Shushan Avagyan, from Book, Untitled
Translated from the Armenian by Deanna Cachoian-Schanz
Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, Memoir of a Turkey
Translated from the Spanish by Kayla Andrews
Fumiki Takahashi, A Great Song You’ve Never Heard Before
Translated from the Japanese by Toshiya Kamei
Lidija Dimkovska, from Grandma Non-Oui
Translated from the Macedonian by Christina E. Kramer
Christian Raimo, No More Cult of the Dead for Twentieth-Century Italy
Translated from the Italian by Brian Robert Moore
Saša Ilić, from The Dog and the Double Bass
Translated from the Serbian by Ellen Elias-Bursać
Daniela Hodrová, from Puppets (Living Pictures)
Translated from the Czech by Elena Sokol and Véronique Firkusny
Ali Lateef, The Belle and Gazelle Statue
Translated from the Arabic by Essam M. Al-Jassim
Adelice Souza, The Actress Who Didn’t Know How to Die
Translated from the Portuguese by Padma Viswanathan
Can Xue, Something to Do with Poetry
Translated from the Chinese by Chen Zeping and Karen Gernant
Maria Attanasio, The Splendour of Nothingness
Translated from the Italian by Ruth Chester
Mesándel Virtusio Arguelles, from Pesoa
Translated from the Filipino by Kristine Ong Muslim
Jorge de Sena, A Tribute to the Green Parrot
Translated from the Portuguese by David J. Bailey
Kim Su-on, A Ray of Light
Translated from the Korean by Spencer Lee-Lenfield and Lizzie Buehler
Eszter T. Molnár, from Teréz, or the Memory of the Body
Translated from the Hungarian by Austin Wagner
Gabriela Babnik Ouattara, from A Silence Full of the Wind
Translated from the Slovenian by Rawley Grau
Laksmi Pamuntjak, The Tale of Mukaburung
Translated from the Indonesian by Annie Tucker
Alfred Döblin, The Woman who Walked in her Sleep
Translated from the German by Joachim Redner
Dalih Sembiring, Floccinaucinihilipilificatius
Translated from the Indonesian by Avram Maurits
Enrico Remmert, from The War of the Murazzi
Translated from the Italian by Antonella Lettieri
Kirsten Hammann, from The Georg Complex
Translated from the Danish by Michael Favala Goldman
Ivana Bodrožić, from Sons, Daughters
Translated from the Croatian by Ellen Elias-Bursać
Alfred Döblin, The Slaughter! Oh, the Slaughter!
Translated from the German by Joachim Redner
Gwenaëlle Aubry, from Elisa Folly
Translated from the French by Wendeline A. Hardenberg
Khrystia Vengryniuk, Flood
Translated from the Ukrainian by Dmytro Kyyan and Kate Tsurkan
Jamal Saeed, My Grandmother Fatima’s Cough
Translated from the Arabic by Catherine Cobham
Eleni Yannatou, from Mr. Penelope
Translated from the Greek by Natasha Remoundou-Howley
He Wun-Jin, Guide Us, Chicken Booty!
Translated from the Chinese by Catherine Xinxin Yu
Lidija Dimkovska, from Personal Identification Number
Translated from the Macedonian by Christina E. Kramer
Johanna Sebauer, Pickled
Translated from the German by Lillian M. Banks and Aaron Sayne
Tan Chee Lay's "Views and Testimony of a Sheep"
Translated from the Chinese by Teng Qian Xi
An essay by the translator
Dislocation in Drama: Osage County 5,000 Miles South, and Still Hot
A review by Josefina Coisson and Alejandro Armando
Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky's Memories of the Future
Translated from the Russian by Joanne Turnbull
A review by Joseph Cassara
The Selected Stories of Mercè Rodoreda
Translated from the Catalan by Martha Tennent
A review by Paul Doyle
Yván Yauri's Fire Wind
Translated from the Spanish by Nicholas Rattner and Marta del Pozo
A review by Brandon Holmquest
Azra Raza and Sara Suleri Goodyear, Ghalib Redux
Marosa di Giogio's The History of Violets
Translated from the Spanish by Jeannine Marie Pitas
A review by Daniel Borzutzky
Roberto Bolaño's Between Parentheses: Essays, Articles and Speeches, 1998-2003
Translated from the Spanish by Natasha Wimmer
A review by Sven Birkerts
Jaime Sabines's Pieces of Shadow: Selected Poems
Translated from the Spanish by W.S. Merwin
A review by Jesse Tangen-Mills
Jean-Philippe Toussaint's The Truth About Marie
Translated from the French by Matthew B. Smith
A review by Anthony Luebbert
Doubled Shadows: Selected Poetry of Ouyang Jianghe
Translated from the Chinese by Austin Woerner
An essay by the translator
Amal al-Jubouri's Hagar Before the Occupation, Hagar After the Occupation
Translated from the Arabic by Rebecca Gayle Howell and Husam Qaisi
A review by Jeremy Paden
Irène Némirovsky's The Wine of Solitude
Translated from the French by Sandra Smith
A review by Aamer Hussein
Best European Fiction 2012 and the International Literaturfestival Berlin 2011
A review by Florian Duijsens
Gopal Gandhi's Bollywoodised translation of Vikram Seth's A Suitable Boy
A review by Vedita Cowaloosur
Stefan Zweig's Beware of Pity
Translated from the German by Phyllis and Trevor Blewitt
A review by Dan Vyleta
Daniela Kapitáňová's Samko Tále's Cemetery Book
Translated from the Slovak by Julia Sherwood
A review by Magdalena Mullek
Enrico Pea's Moscardino
Translated from the Italian by Ezra Pound
A review by Heather Hartley
Amina Saïd's The Present Tense of the World
Translated from the French by Marilyn Hacker
A review by Aditi Machado
Dylan Suher on Qian Zhongshu
An essay followed by a translation into the Italian by Riccardo Moratto
The Complete Short Stories of Natalia Ginzburg
Translated from the Italian by Paul Lewis
A review by Aamer Hussein
Monika Rinck's to refrain from embracing
Translated from the German by Nicholas Grindell
A review by Aditi Machado
César Aira's The Miracle Cures of Dr. Aira
Translated from the Spanish by Katherine Silver
A review by Josh Honn
Georges Perec's The Art of Asking Your Boss for a Raise
Translated from the French by David Bellos
A review by Kevin Hyde
Diego de San Pedro's The Prison of Love
Translated from the Spanish by Adrian West
An essay by the translator
Leonid Tsypkin's The Bridge Over the Neroch: And Other Works
Translated from the Russian by Jamey Gambrell
A review by Michael Stein
Mo Yan's Pow! and Sandalwood Death
Translated from the Chinese by Howard Goldblatt
A review by Dylan Suher
Vasily Grossman's Armenian Sketchbook
Translated from the Russian by Robert Chandler
An essay by the translator
Giorgio Vasta's Time on My Hands
Translated from the Italian by Jonathan Hunt
A review by Florian Duijsens
Pierre Joris and Habib Tengour's Poems for the Millennium, Volume Four
A review by Beatriz Leal Riesco
Georges Perec's La Boutique Obscure
Translated from the French by Daniel Levin Becker
A review by Scott Esposito
Pere Calders's
Translated from the Catalan by Lawrence Venuti
An essay by the translator
Ismat Chughtai's Short Stories
Translated from the Urdu by Tahira Naqvi
A review by Aamer Hussein
Bai Hua's Wind Says
Translated from the Chinese by Fiona Sze-Lorrain
A review by Henry W. Leung
MARGENTO's Nomadosofia/Nomadosophy
Translated from the Romanian by various translators
A review by Martin Woodside
Nairi Hakhverdi, Translating Atom Egoyan's Calendar
Elio Petri's Writings on Cinema and Life
Translated from the Italian by Camilla Zamboni and Erika Marina Nadir
A review by Beatriz Leal Riesco
Jonathan Franzen's The Kraus Project: Essays by Karl Kraus
Translated from the German by Jonathan Franzen, Paul Reitter, and Daniel Kehlmann
A review by Karlynne Ejercito
Alexander Vvedensky's An Invitation for Me to Think
Translated from the Russian by Eugene Ostashevsky and Matvei Yankelevich
A review by Ian Dreiblatt
Stig Sæterbakken's Through the Night
Translated from the Norwegian by Seán Kinsella
A review by Taylor Davis-Van Atta
Giacomo Leopardi's Zibaldone
Translated from the Italian by David Gibbons, Kathleen Baldwin, Richard Dixon, Ann Goldstein, Gerard Slowey, Martin Thom, and Pamela Williams
A review by David Gibbons
Radka Denemarková on translating Herta Müller
Translated from the Czech by Julia Sherwood
Raymond Queneau, Exercises in Style
Translated from the French by Barbara Wright
A review by David Bellos
A Rebel and Her Cause: The Life and Work of Rashid Jahan
Translated from the Urdu by Rakhshanda Jalil
A review by Aamer Hussein
Paulo Scott, Nowhere People
Translated from the Portuguese by Daniel Hahn
An essay by the translator
Guadalupe Nettel, Natural Histories
Translated from the Spanish by J. T. Lichtenstein
An essay by the translator
Qiu Miaojin, Last Words from Montmartre
Translated from the Chinese by Ari Larissa Heinrich
A review by Dylan Suher
Barbara Cassin, Dictionary of Untranslatables: A Philosophical Lexicon
A review by Michael Kinnucan
Joy Goswami, Selected Poems
Translated from the Bengali by Sampurna Chattarji
A review by Sumana Roy
Roberto Bolaño, A Little Lumpen Novelita
Translated from the Spanish by Natasha Wimmer
A review by Stephenie Young
S.J. Naudé, The Alphabet of Birds
Translated from the Afrikaans by SJ Naudé
An essay by the translator
Gonzalo Aguilar, Augusto de Campos: the translation of a name
Translated from the Spanish by Ellen Jones and Paula Porroni
Jenny Erpenbeck, The End of Days
Translated from the German by Susan Bernofsky
A review by Boyd Tonkin
Georgi Gospodinov, The Physics of Sorrow
Translated from the German by Angela Rodel
A review by Pete Mitchell
Yuri Lotman, Non-Memoirs
Translated from the Russian by Caroline Lemak Brickman
A review by Michael Kinnucan
Enrique Vila-Matas, A Brief History of Portable Literature
Translated from the Spanish by Thomas Bunstead and Anne McLean
A review by Tyler Curtis
Richard Weiner, The Game for Real
Translated from the Czech by Benjamin Paloff
A review by Ottilie Mulzet
Susana Moreira Marques, Now and at the Hour of our Death
Translated from the Portuguese by Julia Sanches
A review by Ellen Jones
Silvina Ocampo, Thus Were Their Faces
Translated from the Spanish by Daniel Balderston
A review by Aamer Hussein
K'ung Shang-jen, The Peach Blossom Fan
Translated from the Chinese by Chen Shih-hsiang and Harold Acton
A review by Dylan Suher
Fiston Mwanza Mujila, Tram 83
Translated from the French by Roland Glasser
An essay by the translator
Deborah Smith, On Translating Han Kang's Human Acts
C. F. Ramuz, Beauty on Earth
Translated from the French by Michelle Bailat-Jones
A review by Patti M. Marxsen
Emiliya Dvoryanova, Concerto for Sentence
Translated from the Bulgarian by Elitza Kotzeva
A review by Alex McElroy
Georgi Tenev, Party Headquarters
Translated from the Bulgarian by Angela Rodel
A review by Pete Mitchell
Ji Xianlin, The Cowshed: Memories of the Chinese Cultural Revolution
Translated from the Chinese by Chenxin Jiang
A review by Dylan Suher
Jovanka Živanović, Fragile Travelers
Translated from the Serbian by Jovanka Kalaba
A review by Stiliana Milkova
Álvaro Enrigue, Sudden Death
Translated from the Spanish by Natasha Wimmer
A review by Saskya Jain
Gabriela Adameşteanu, The Encounter
Translated from the Romanian by Alistair Ian Blyth
A review by Ratik Asokan
Jung Young Moon, Vaseline Buddha
Translated from the Korean by Jung Jewon
A review by Tony Malone
Jorge Canese's Bät Riting
Translated from the Spanish and Portuguese by David Shook
An essay by the translator
Sangeeta Bandyopadhyay, Panty
Translated from the Bengali by Arunava Sinha
A review by Trisha Gupta
Anita Raja, Translation as a Practice of Acceptance
Translated from the Italian by Rebecca Falkoff and Stiliana Milkova
Máirtín Ó Cadhain, Graveyard Clay and The Dirty Dust
Translated from the Irish by Liam Mac Con Iomaire and Tim Robinson
A review by Stephanie Boland
Scholastique Mukasonga, Cockroaches
Translated from the French by Jordan Stump
A review by M. René Bradshaw
Publius Vergilius Maro, Aeneid
Translated from the Latin by David Hadbawnik
A review by Daniel C. Remein
Bae Suah, A Greater Music
Translated from the Korean by Deborah Smith
A review by Houman Barekat
Adonis, Violence and Islam: Conversations with Houria Abdelouahed
Translated from the French by David Watson
A review by Claire Kohda Hazelton
Intizar Husain, Story is a Vagabond
Translated from the Urdu by Alok Bhalla, Asif Farrukhi, Rakhshanda Jalil, and Frances Pritchett
A review by Aamer Hussein
Grzegorz Wróblewski, Zero Visibility
Translated from the Polish by Piotr Gwiazda
An essay by the translator
Prabda Yoon, The Sad Part Was
Translated from the Thai by Mui Poopoksakul
A review by Erik Noonan
Crude Words: Contemporary Writing from Venezuela
Translated from the Spanish by various translators
A review by Adrian Nathan West
Tomoka Shibasaki, Spring Garden, and Hiromi Kawakami, Record of a Night Too Brief
Translated from the Japanese by Polly Barton and Lucy North
A review by John W. W. Zeiser
Georg Trakl, Sebastian Dreaming
Translated from the German by James Reidel
A review by Tristan Foster
Domenico Starnone, Ties
Translated from the Italian by Jhumpa Lahiri
A review by Stiliana Milkova
Michael Marshall Smith, The Gist
Translated from the French by Benoît Domis and Nicholas Royle
A review by Paschalis Nikolaou
John P. Portelli, Luggage / Bagage
Translated from the Maltese by Norbert Bugeja et al and Elizabeth Grech
A review by Antoine Cassar
Julia Fiedorczuk, Oxygen: Selected Poems
Translated from the Polish by Bill Johnston
A review by Elisa González
Yuri Herrera, Kingdom Cons, The Transmigration of Bodies, and Signs Preceding the End of the World
Translated from the Spanish by Lisa Dillman
A review by Peter Mitchell
Alejandro Tarrab, Litane
Translated from the Spanish by Clare Sullivan
An essay by the translator
Marcel Proust, Letters to His Neighbor
Translated from the French by Lydia Davis
A review by Saba Ahmed
Eka Kurniawan, Vengeance Is Mine, All Others Pay Cash
Translated from the Indonesian by Annie Tucker
A review by Jackson Arn
Juan Tomás Ávila Laurel, The Gurugu Pledge
Translated from the Spanish by Jethro Soutar
A review by M. René Bradshaw
Nicola Pugliese, Malacqua: Four Days of Rain in the City of Naples, Waiting for the Occurrence of an Extraordinary Event
Translated from the Italian by Shaun Whiteside
A review by Peter Mitchell
Dylan Suher on translator Patrick Hanan
Gabriela Cabezón Cámara, Slum Virgin, and Ricardo Romero, The President’s Room
Translated from the Spanish by Frances Riddle and Charlotte Coombe
A review by Sam Carter
Christine Angot, Incest
Translated from the French by Tess Lewis
A review by Tsipi Keller
Alisa Ganieva, Bride and Groom
Translated from the Russian by Carol Apollonio
A review by Hannah Weber
Sadeq Hedayat, The Blind Owl and Other Stories
Translated from the Persian by D. P. Costello and Deborah Miller Mostaghel
A review by Houman Barekat
Françoise Frenkel, No Place to Lay One’s Head
Translated from the French by Stephanie Smee
A review by Brigette Manion
Eileen Chang, Little Reunions
Translated from the Chinese by Jane Weizhen Pan and Martin Merz
A review by Dylan Suher
Sara Gallardo, Land of Smoke
Translated from the Spanish by Jessica Sequeira
A review by Aamer Hussein
Mircea Eliade, Gaudeamus
Translated from the Romanian by Christopher Bartholomew
A review by Bryan Rennie
Marcel Schwob, Imaginary Lives
Translated from the French by Chris Clarke
A review by Elisa Taber
Tom Kristensen, Havoc
Translated from the Danish by Carl Malmberg
A review by Jackson Arn
Gabriela Wiener, Sexographies
Translated from the Spanish by Lucy Greaves and Jennifer Adcock
A review by Sarah Booker
Dubravka Ugrešić, Fox
Translated from the Croatian by Ellen Elias-Bursac and David Williams
A review by Peter Mitchell
Li Shangyin, Li Shangyin
Translated from the Chinese by Chloe García Roberts, A. C. Graham, and Lucas Klein
A review by Theophilus Kwek
Eva Meijer, Bird Cottage
Translated from the Dutch by Antoinette Fawcett
An essay by the translator
Jean Frémon, Now, Now, Louison
Translated from the French by Cole Swenson
A review by Brigette Manion
Ivo Andrić, Omer Pasha Latas: Marshal to the Sultan
Translated from the Serbian and Croatian by Celia Hawkesworth
A review by Hannah Weber
Xiao Hong, Ma Bole’s Second Life
Translated from the Chinese by Howard Goldblatt
A review by Dylan Suher
Laura Lindstedt, Oneiron
Translated from the Finnish by Owen Witesman
A review by Jenni Råback
Hwang Jungeun, I’ll Go On
Translated from the Korean by Emily Yae Won
A review by Rachel Hill
Carla Maliandi, The German Room
Translated from the Spanish by Frances Riddle
A review by Sam Carter
Richard Wagner, The Ring of the Nibelung
Translated from the German by John Deathridge
A review by Benjamin Poore
Kim Man-Jung, The Nine Cloud Dream
Translated from the Korean and Chinese by Heinz Insu Fenkl
A review by Katherine Beaman
Pajtim Statovci, Crossing
Translated from the Finnish by David Hackston
A review by Jenni Råback
Adélaïde Bon, The Little Girl on the Ice Floe
Translated from the French by Ruth Diver
A review by Brigette Manion
Amanda Berenguer, Materia Prima
Translated from the Spanish by various translators
A review by Garrett Phelps
Kim Hyesoon, A Drink of Red Mirror
Translated from the Korean by Jiwon Shin, Lauren Albin, and Sue Hyon Bae
A review by Matt Reeck
Sigrún Pálsdóttir, HISTORY. A MESS.
Translated from the Icelandic by Lytton Smith
A review by Callum McAllister
Kaifi Azmi, Kaifiyat: Verses on Love and Women
Translated from the Urdu by Rakhshanda Jalil
A review by Jessica Sequeira
Rodrigo Rey Rosa, Human Matter
Translated from the Spanish by Eduardo Aparicio
A review by Aamer Hussein
Javier Marias, Berta Isla
Translated from the Spanish by Margaret Jull Costa
A review by Richard Cho
Adonis, Songs of Mihyar the Damascene
Translated from the Arabic by Kareem James Abu-Zeid and Ivan Eubanks
A review by Kareem James Abu-Zeid
Elias Khoury, My Name is Adam: Children of the Ghetto Volume 1
Translated from the Arabic by Humphrey Davis
A review by Joshua Craze
Chantal Akerman, My Mother Laughs
Translated from the French by Daniella Shrier
A review by Brigette Manion
Natalia Ginzburg, Valentino and Sagittarius
Translated from the Italian by Avril Bardoni
A review by Darren Huang
Ahmet Altan, I Will Never See The World Again
Translated from the Turkish by Yasemin Çongar
A review by Harry Readhead
Tove Jansson, Letters from Tove
Translated from the Swedish by Sarah Death
A review by Jenni Råback
Hamid Ismailov, Of Strangers and Bees
Translated from the Uzbek by Shelly Fairweather-Vega
A review by Robin Munby
Julio Ramón Ribeyro, The Word Of The Speechless
Translated from the Spanish by Katherine Silver
A review by Sam Carter
Fernanda Melchor, Hurricane Season
Translated from the Spanish by Sophie Hughes
A review by Barbara Halla
António Lobo Antunes, Until Stones Become Lighter Than Water
Translated from the Portuguese by Jeff Love
A review by Joshua Craze
Dmitri Aleksandrovich Prigov, Soviet Texts
Translated from the Russian by Simon Schuchat and Ainsley Morse
A review by Dan Shurley
Various Authors, That We May Live
Translated from the Chinese by Various Translators
A review by Ysabelle Cheung
Shokoofeh Azar, The Enlightenment of the Greengage Tree
Translated from the Farsi by Anonymous
A review by Apala Bhowmick
Andrzej Tichy, Wretchedness
Translated from the Swedish by Nichola Smalley
A review by Lindsay Semel
Sandra Hoffmann, Paula
Translated from the German by Katy Derbyshire
A review by Eleanor Updegraff
Garous Abdolmalekian, Lean Against This Late Hour
Translated from the Persian by Ahmad Nadalizadeh and Idra Novey
A review by Mandana Chaffa
Sayaka Murata, Earthlings
Translated from the Japanese by Ginny Tapley Takemori
A review by Alex Leininger
Agustín Fernández Mallo, Pixel Flesh
Translated from the Spanish by Zachary Rockwell Ludington
A review by Garrett Phelps
João Gilberto Noll, Harmada
Translated from the Portuguese by Edgar Garbelotto
A review by Jenny Wu
Tuvia Ruebner, Now at the Threshold
Translated from the Hebrew by Rachel Tzvia Back
A review by Norman Finkelstein
Marosa di Giorgio, Carnation and Tenebrae Candle
Translated from the Spanish by Jeannine Marie Pitas
A review by Honora Spicer
Miloš Crnjanski, A Novel of London
Translated from the Serbian by Will Firth
A review by Vesna Goldsworthy
Nabaneeta Dev Sen, Acrobat
Translated from the Bengali by Nandana Dev Sen
A review by Nicola Vulpe
Various Vietnamese Authors, Other Moons: Vietnamese Short Stories of the American War and Its Aftermath
Translated from the Vietnamese by Quan Manh Ha and Joseph Babcock
A review by Sydney Van To
Kim Bo-Young, I'm Waiting for You
Translated from the Korean by Sophie Bowman and Sung Ryu
A review by Cristy Stiles
Serhiy Zhadan, The Orphanage and A New Orthography
Translated from the Ukrainian by Reilly Costigan-Humes and Isaac Stackhouse Wheeler and John Hennessy
A review by Kate Tsurkan
Alejandro Zambra, Chilean Poet: A Novel
Translated from the Spanish by Megan McDowell
A review by Richard Cho
Jhumpa Lahiri, Whereabouts
Translated from the Italian by Jhumpa Lahiri
A review by Jasmine Liu
Jon Fosse, I Is Another
Translated from the Norwegian by Damion Searls
A review by Henry N. Gifford
Duo Duo, Words as Grain
Translated from the Chinese by Lucas Klein
A review by Drew Calvert
Zülfü Livaneli, Disquiet
Translated from the Turkish by Brendan Freely
A review by Sarah McEachern
Fiston Mwanza Mujila, The River in the Belly
Translated from the French by J. Bret Maney
A review by Kate Prengel
Patrick Chamoiseau and Rodolphe Hammadi, French Guiana: Memory Traces of the Penal Colony
Translated from the French by Matt Reeck
A review by Michael Reyes Salas
Salim Barakat, Come Take a Gentle Stab
Translated from the Arabic by Huda J. Fakhreddine and Jayson Iwen
A review by Tom Abi Samra
Tomaž Šalamun and Joshua Beckman, Tomaž
Translated from the Slovenian by Joshua Beckman
A review by C. Francis Fisher
Various Arabic authors, The Muʿallaqāt for Millennials: Pre-Islamic Arabic Golden Odes
Translated from the Arabic by Kevin Blankinship et al
A review by Moneera Al-Ghadeer
Norman Erikson Pasaribu, Happy Stories, Mostly
Translated from the Indonesian by Tiffany Tsao
A review by Arbnora Selmani
Jean Giono, Ennemonde
Translated from the French by Bill Johnston
A review by Abby Walthausen
Chus Pato, The Face of the Quartzes
Translated from the Galician by Erín Moure
A review by Jay Miller
Claudia Durastanti, Strangers I Know
Translated from the Italian by Elizabeth Harris
A review by Rebecca Walker
Oksana Maksymchuk and Max Rosochinsky, Words for War: New Poems from Ukraine
Translated from the Ukrainian and Russian by Various Translators
A review by Ian Ross Singleton
Sergio Chejfec, Notes Toward a Pamphlet
Translated from the Spanish by Whitney DeVos
A review by Sharmistha Mohanty
Mohamed Leftah, Captain Ni'mat's Last Battle
Translated from the French by Lara Vergnaud
A review by Matthew Snider
Corinne Hoex, Gentlemen Callers
Translated from the French by Caitlin O'Neil
A review by Richard Hegelman
Maria Firmina Dos Reis, Ursula
Translated from the Portuguese by Cristina Ferreira Pinto-Bailey
A review by Nicholas T Rinehart
Lina Wolff, Carnality
Translated from the Swedish by Frank Perry
A review by Sarah McEachern
Mayra Santos-Febres, Boat People
Translated from the Spanish by Vanessa Pérez-Rosario
A review by Meaghan Coogan
Cristina Bendek, Salt Crystals
Translated from the Spanish by Robin Myers
A review by Georgina Fooks
Jhumpa Lahiri, Translating Myself and Others
Translated from the Italian by Jhumpa Lahiri
A review by Caterina Domeneghini
Perhat Tursun, The Backstreets: A Novel from Xinjiang
Translated from the Uyghur by Darren Byler and Anonymous
A review by Lauren Bo
Scholastique Mukasonga, Kibogo
Translated from the French by Mark Polizzotti
A review by Abby Walthausen
Kim Hye-jin, Concerning My Daughter
Translated from the Korean by Jamie Chang
A review by Jenny Wu
Ra'ad Abdulqadir, Except for This Unseen Thread
Translated from the Arabic by Mona Kareem
A review by Jake Goldwasser
Johanne Lykke Holm, Strega
Translated from the Swedish by Saskia Vogel
A review by Hannah Hutchings-Georgiou
Chiang-Sheng Kuo, The Piano Tuner
Translated from the Chinese by Howard Goldblatt and Sylvia Li-chun Lin
A review by Yu-Yun Hsieh
Rocío Agreda Piérola, Horses Drawn with Blue Chalk
Translated from the Spanish by Jessica Sequeira
A review by Guillermo Rebollo Gil
Léonora Miano, Twilight of Torment: I. Melancholy
Translated from the French by Gila Walker
A review by Nibir K. Ghosh
Carla Lonzi’s Self-Portrait: Experiments in Feminist Criticism
Translated from the Italian by Allison Grimaldi Donahue
A review by Carlotta Moro
Mircea Cărtărescu, Solenoid
Translated from the Romanian by Sean Cotter
A review by Alex Lanz
Anonymous, The Owl and the Nightingale
Translated from the Middle English by Simon Armitage
A review by Denis Ferhatović
Andrea Abreu, Dogs of Summer
Translated from the Spanish by Julia Sanches
A review by Eliza Browning
Han Kang, Greek Lessons
Translated from the Korean by Deborah Smith and Emily Yae Won
A review by Clara Hillis
César Aira, Fulgentius
Translated from the Spanish by Chris Andrews
A review by Chapman Caddell
Anna Seghers, The Dead Girls’ Class Trip
Translated from the German by Margot Bettauer Dembo
A review by George MacBeth
Oksana Lutsyshyna, Ivan and Phoebe
Translated from the Ukrainian by Nina Murray
A review by Madeline Vosch
Elena Ferrante, In the Margins: On the Pleasures of Reading and Writing
Translated from the Italian by Ann Goldstein
A review by Alyssa Granacki
Yu Miri, The End of August
Translated from the Japanese by Morgan Giles
A review by James Leveque
Itamar Vieira Junior, Crooked Plow
Translated from the Portuguese by Johnny Lorenz
A review by Laura Garmeson
Lee Sumyeong, Just Like
Translated from the Korean by Colin Leemarshall
An essay by the translator
Ukrainian Playwrights, A Dictionary of Emotions in a Time of War: 20 Short Works by Ukrainian Playwrights
Translated from the Ukrainian and Russian by John Freedman, Natalia Bratus, John Farndon, and Evgenia Kovryga
A review by Michelle Chan Schmidt
Vanessa Springora, Consent
Translated from the French by Natasha Lehrer
A review by Beth Kearney
Jeferson Tenório, The Dark Side of Skin
Translated from the Portuguese by Bruna Dantas Lobato
A review by Allysson Casais
Fine Gråbøl, What Kingdom
Translated from the Danish by Martin Aitken
A review by Gregory Bruno
Monika Helfer, Last House Before the Mountain
Translated from the German by Gillian Davidson
A review by Lisa Seidenberg
Sandya Mary, Maria, Just Maria
Translated from the Malayalam by Jayasree Kalathil
A review by Diya Isha
Simone de Beauvoir, Diary of a Philosophy Student
Translated from the French by Barbara Klaw
A review by Hilary Ilkay
Olena Stiazhkina, Cecil the Lion Had to Die
Translated from the Ukrainian by Dominique Hoffmann
A review by Lillian Posner
Joseph Andras, Faraway the Southern Sky
Translated from the French by Simon Leser
A review by James Leveque
Douglas J. Penick, The Oceans of Cruelty: Twenty-Five Tales of a Corpse Spirit
A review by Tomoé Hill
Mateo García Elizondo, Last Date in El Zapotal
Translated from the Spanish by Robin Myers
A review by Liz Wood
Viktor Shklovsky, Zoo, or Letters Not About Love
Translated from the Russian by Richard Sheldon
A review by Madeline Vosch
Kafka, Yi Sang, Moon Bo Young: Poets of Mirror Hatred
Quah Sy Ren and Tan Ing How, The Assassin, the Medium and the Massage Girl
Translated from the Chinese by Jeremy Tiang
Jonas Hassen Khemiri, from INVASION!
Translated from the Swedish by Rachel Willson-Broyles
Masataka Matsuda, Like a Butterfly, My Nostalgia
Translated from the Japanese by Kyoko Yoshida and Andy Bragen
Zachary Karabashliev, from Lissabon
Translated from the Bulgarian by Zachary Karabashliev
Noé Morales Muñoz, Hitler in My Heart
Translated from the Spanish by Maria Alexandria Beech
Nikolai Khalezin, from Thanksgiving Day
Translated from the Belarusian by Yuri Kaliada and Rory Mullarkey
Alejandro Ricaño, from Pork Kidneys to Soothe Despair
Translated from the Spanish by Daniel Jáquez
Evelyne de la Chenelière and Daniel Brière, from American Shot
Translated from the French by Neil Blackadder
Dmitriy Levitskiy, The Blue Bus
Translated from the Ukrainian and Russian by The VERBatsiya project
Marion Aubert, from Debacles
Translated from the French by Kimberly Jannarone and Erik Butler
Ramón Griffero, Midday Lunches or Petit Déjeuner du Midi
Translated from the Spanish by Adam Versényi
Jonas Hassen Khemiri, from I Call My Brothers
Translated from the Swedish by Rachel Willson-Broyles
Sa‘dallah Wannous, Rituals of Signs and Transformations
Translated from the Arabic by Robert Myers and Nada Saab
Eyad Houssami, from Mama Butterfly
Translated from the Arabic and French by Eyad Houssami
Miriam Boolsen, Text
Translated from the Danish by Miriam Boolsen and Madeleine van Leer
Glafira Rocha, Rumor of Days to Come
Translated from the Spanish by Gustavo Adolfo Aybar
Khairani Barokka, Anathema
Yudai Kamisato, from + 51 Aviación, San Borja
Translated from the Japanese by Aya Ogawa
Beth Escudé i Gallès, from Diabolic Cabaret
Translated from the Catalan by Phyllis Zatlin
Grzegorz Wróblewski, from The New Colony
Translated from the Polish by Agnieszka Pokojska
Blanca Doménech, from The Sickness of Stone
Translated from the Spanish by William Gregory
Karim Rashed, I Came to See You
Translated from the Arabic and Swedish by Margaret Litvin
Roberto Arlt, from The Manufacturer of Ghosts
Translated from the Spanish by Claire Solomon
Shu Matsui, from Proud Son
Translated from the Japanese by Kyoko Yoshida and Andy Bragen
Sam-Shik Pai, from Inching Towards Yeolha
Translated from the Korean by Walter Byongsok Chon
Li Jing, from Comedies from the State of Qin
Translated from the Chinese by Andreea Chirita
Euripides, from Bacchae (Chorus Ode)
Translated from the Ancient Greek by Aaron Poochigian
Alejandro Ricaño, Idiots Contemplating the Snow
Translated from the Spanish by Jacqueline Bixler
Sophocles, Electra, Two Stasimons
Translated from the Ancient Greek by Fortunato Salazar
Armando Nascimento Rosa, from Fernando and his Grandmother
Translated from the Portuguese by Susannah Finzi
Raúl Gómez Jattin, Raúl Gómez Jattin: One Memory Alone
Translated from the Spanish by David Pegg
Artur Solomonov, from How We Buried Josef Stalin
Translated from the Russian by John J. Hanlon
Marius Ivaškevičius, from The Master
Translated from the Lithuanian by Kotryna Garanasvili
Aldri Anunciação, from No! Not Namibia!
Translated from the Portuguese by Almiro Andrade
Rafael Guizado, from Scherzo (Dialogue with a Statue)
Translated from the Spanish by Gigi Guizado
Rémi De Vos, from The Ghosts of Alloue
Translated from the French by Katherine Mendelsohn
Marius Ivaškevičius, from Russian Romance
Translated from the Russian by Kotryna Garanasvili
Claude Gauvreau, from The Vampire and the Nymphomaniac
Translated from the French by Ray Ellenwood and Adam Seelig
Tatiana Niculescu, from Brancusi v. United States
Translated from the Romanian by Amanda L. Andrei and Codin Andrei
Mafalda Bellido Monterde, from The Earth-Eaters
Translated from the Spanish by William Gregory
Josep M. Miró Coromina, from The Nicest Body Ever Seen Around These Parts
Translated from the Catalan by Sharon G. Feldman
Luis Emilio Cerna Mazier, Facing the End of the World
Translated from the Spanish by Larisa Muñoz Mejía
Rubén Mosquera, The Beauty in Her Cage
Translated from the Spanish by Karina A. Baptista
Jon Fosse, from Someone Is Going to Come
Translated from the Norwegian by Harry Lane and Adam Seelig
Katja Grcić, from How Bodies Fear the Ground
Translated from the Croatian by Andrea Jurjević
Multiple Authors, from Makunaimã: The Myth Across Time
Translated from the Portuguese by Robert Smith
Special Feature
Soren Gauger on Ludwik Sztyrmer
An essay followed by a translation into the Polish by Pawel Rogala
Elisabeth Rynell, from Nocturnal Conversations
Translated from the Swedish by Rika Lesser
Molly Gaudry on Mirja Unge
Alain de Botton on La Rochefoucauld
Fredrik Nyberg, from A Clockwork of Flowers
Translated from the Swedish by Jennifer Hayashida
Claude Smith on Yuri Vaella
Claes Andersson, from The Clarity of Darkness
Translated from the Finland-Swedish by Rika Lesser
Kristina Lugn, from Seeking Older, Well-Educated Gentleman
Translated from the Swedish by Elizabeth Clark Wessel
Boey Kim Cheng on Du Fu
Mary Gaitskill on Natsuo Kirino
An essay followed by a translation into the Japanese by Sayuri Okamoto
Desmond Kon Zhicheng-Mingdé, Terry Crabtree's Countertransference in To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything!
Bharati Mukherjee, from Miss New India
Praveen Krishna, Gultis
Lee Yew Leong, Knowledge Can Change Your Fate
Florian Duijsens on Jean-Christophe Valtat
Dominic Pettman, from In Divisible Cities
An essay followed by a translation into the Italian by Damiano Abeni, Moira Egan, and Heidi Wong Pui-Yi and Louise Law Lok-Man
Hai-Dang Phan on Contemporary Vietnamese Poets
An essay followed by a translation into the Vietnamese by Hải Ngọc
Leonard Ng on Yu Xuanji
Florian Duijsens on Verena Stefan
Justin Taylor, Kwan Kee
Anthony Luebbert on A. R. Luria
Dubravka Ugrešić on Croatian Novelists
Translated from the Croatian by Ellen Elias-Bursac
Maureen N. McLane, after Neruda
Philip Sorenson, after Elagabalus
Cyril Wong, after Aesop
Clarissa Botsford on Elvira Dones
George Szirtes, after Wright
Michael Bazzett, after Kasuya
Alex Cigale, after Paradjanov
Hai-Dang Phan, after Montale
Soren Gauger on Bruno Jasieński
Wolfgang Kubin on Ouyang Jianghe
An essay followed by a translation into the Chinese by Cheng Wen-chi
Chu T'ien-wen, from Witch's Brew
Translated from the Chinese by Sylvia Lin and Howard Goldblatt
John Taylor on José-Flore Tappy
Zhang Wenhuan, from Portrait of a Geitan
Translated from the Japanese by Sim Yee Chiang and Sayuri Okamoto
Antonio Chen on Taiwanese Novelists in 2011
Translated from the Chinese by Darryl Sterk
Auvini Kadresengan, from Song of Wild Lilies
Translated from the Chinese by Terence Russell
Brittani Sonnenberg, 1116 Arcadia Ave.
Ann Bogle, Dumb Luck
Adrian West on Josef Winkler
Emily Lundin, Mount Helena
Tom Whalen, Another Love Story and Other Reviews
Howard Goldblatt, I Wish I Knew
David Leavitt, Route 80
Lennox Raphael on Jens Olav Magnussen
Rosa Rankin-Gee, Métro
Vica Miller on Ludmila Ulitskaya
Nadifa Mohamed on Somali Writers
Anthony Luebbert, Rainbow Fish
Adina Dabija, from An Undifferentiated State
Translated from the Romanian by Claudia Serea
Stefan Bolea, inflation
Translated from the Romanian by Nigel Walker and Alina-Olimpia Miron
Mircea Ivănescu, from lines poems poetry
Translated from the Romanian by Adam J. Sorkin and Lidia Vianu
Denisa Comănescu, Three Poems
Translated from the Romanian by Adam J. Sorkin and Denisa Comănescu
Adrian West on Jean Améry
Brian Libgober on Victor Pelevin
Cosmin Borza on Contemporary Romanian Poets
A Sinophone "20 under 40" (Part I/IV)
Translated from the Chinese by "And Other Stories Chinese Reading Group" members
A Sinophone "20 under 40" (Part II/IV)
Translated from the Chinese by "And Other Stories Chinese Reading Group" members
Gerard Beirne, Two Visions
Beverly Dahlen, Cumulus & Scapegoat
A Sinophone "20 under 40" (Part III/IV)
Translated from the Chinese by "And Other Stories Chinese Reading Group" members
Cole Swensen, from Landscapes on a Train
Ruth Padel, Two Poems
Desmond Kon Zhicheng-Mingdé, Five Prose Poems
A Sinophone "20 under 40" (Part IV/IV)
Translated from the Chinese by "And Other Stories Chinese Reading Group" members
Karthika Naïr, Ya'aburnee
Sigurbjörg Thrastardóttir on the Icelandic Sagas
Nathanaël on Hervé Guibert
Aamer Hussein on Nisar Aziz Butt
Christian Nagle on Chuya Nakahara
Geeta Patel on Miraji
Reif Larsen and Niek Miedema, Searching For the Familiar: An Author Interviews His Translator
Chika Unigwe, Love of a Fat Woman
Geoff Wisner on Yasmina Khadra
Rainer J. Hanshe on Miklós Szentkuthy
Natalya Din-Kariuki on Helen Oyeyemi
Monika Gaenssbauer on Contemporary Chinese Essayists
Mona Gainer-Salim on Rachel Shihor
An interview with Chantel Bilodeau
An interview with Maria Cassi
Yardenne Greenspan on Contemporary Israeli Literature
Mark Anthony Cayanan, Mission Statement
Idra Novey, from Clarice: The Visitor
Eva Heisler, Vocabulary Landscape
Wanda Coleman, Tremors & Tempests (A Poetic Dialog)
Fady Joudah on Ghassan Zaqtan
Todd Hasak-Lowy on Dror Burstein
Danniel Schoonebeek, Two Poems
Ryan Collins, from New Americans
Siobhán Campbell, Partial Recollection
Warren Motte on Contemporary French Fiction
Michael Hofmann on Wolfgang Koeppen
Tanja Šljivar, I Make Mistakes
Translated from the Serbian by Cory Tamler and Željko Maksimović
Alberto Ruy-Sánchez, Poetics of Wonder: Passage to Mogador
Translated from the Spanish by Rhonda Dahl Buchanan
Sylvie Kandé, from The Neverending Quest for the Other Shore
Translated from the French by Alexander Dickow
Giovanni Pascoli, Selected Poems
Translated from the Italian by Taije Silverman and Marina Della Putta Johnston
Dylan Suher on Tao Lin and Murong Xuecun
Jamie Richards on Giacomo Leopardi
Sampurna Chattarji, In Another Town
Amanda Lee Koe, Why Do Chinese People Have Slanted Eyes?
Anonymous, Chinafrica
A. Medvedenko, A Foreign Country
An essay followed by a translation into the Chinese by Charlie Ng Chak-Kwan
Kevin Smullin Brown on Héctor Azar
Adrian West on Marianne Fritz
Hiroaki Sato on Hagiwara Sakutarō
Gene Oishi, from Fox Drum Bebop
Cristina Peri Rossi, from The Children's Rebellion
Translated from the Spanish by Megan Berkobien
Mui Poopoksakul on Contemporary Thai Fiction
Mariana Enriquez, The Little Angel's Exhumation
Translated from the Spanish by Maureen Shaughnessy
Robert Chandler on Russian Poetry
Zhou Sivan, from Zero Copula
Mayhill Fowler on Serhiy Zhadan
Jen Burris, from Reading Apuleius' Cupid and Psyche
Eugene Ostashevsky, Hamlet's Mill
Michael Farrell, Three Poems
Genya Turovskaya, <Listening Machine>
Dorthe Nors, from Minna Needs Rehearsal Space
Translated from the Danish by Misha Hoekstra
Katrine Marie Guldager, We have already fixed a price
Translated from the Danish by Lindy Falk van Rooyen
Josefine Klougart, from One of Us Is Sleeping
Translated from the Danish by Martin Aitken
Robert Chandler on Andrey Platonovich Platonov
Susana Chávez-Silverman, All Green Will Endure Chrónicle
Translated from the Spanish and English by Ellen Jones
Wilson Bueno, from Paraguayan Sea
Translated from the Portunhol and Guaraní by Erín Moure
Mircea Cărtărescu, from Air with Diamonds
Translated from the Romanian by Andrew K. Davidson
Fakhri Saleh on Palestinian Writers
Martin Piñol, Push | Pull
Yoko Tawada, from As Clear As Cloud
Translated from the Japanese by Sayuri Okamoto and Sim Yee Chiang
Paul Wilson on Bohumil Hrabal
Harry Leeds on Abay Qunanbaiuli
Chung Kwok Keung, from Occupy Stories
Translated from the Chinese by Emily Jones and Sophie Smith
Lau Yee-ching, United in Silent Self-Cultivation
Translated from the Chinese by Emily Jones and Sophie Smith
Lok Fung, October in the City: A Book of Amnesia
Translated from the Chinese by Eleanor Goodman
Joshua Barley on Michalis Ganas
Kanya Kanchana, Vibhuti Pada: The Chapter of Dubious Glories
Translated from the Sanskrit of Patanjali
Victoria Cóccaro and Rebekah Boudon, from Martín Fierro Ordered Alphabetically
Translated from the Spanish of Pablo Katchadjian and José Hernández
Jared Pearce, from Babylonians as Americans as Babylonians
Translated from the Sumerian of various Babylonian authors
Mike Schorsch, from An Introduction to Venantius Fortunatus for Schoolchildren
Translated from the Latin of Venantius Fortunatus
Martin Rock and Joe Pan, from River | Horse | Haiku
Translated from the Japanese of Nenten Tsubouchi
Boris Dralyuk on Julia Nemirovskaya
Alina Timofte on Abasse Ndione
Marie Silkeberg, The Cities
Translated from the Swedish by Kelsi Vanada and Marie Silkeberg
Greg Nissan, For Whom the -R Rolls
Matthew Hyde on Andrey Ivanov
Anne Milano Appel on Paolo Giordano
Patrick Chamoiseau on Martiniquais Writers
Translated from the French by Cecelia Ramsey
Gwen Benaway, Two Poems
Viki Holmes on Laksmi Pamuntjak
Philip Holden on Singaporean Writers
Victoria Livingstone on Xánath Caraza
Noh Anothai on Saksiri Meesomsueb
Vidrohi, One Poem, Two Translations
Translated from the Hindi by Rashmi Gajare, Patricio Ferrari, and Somrita Ganguly
Siraj Khan, My Son has Learnt to Cuss like the City
Translated from the Char Chapori dialect by Shalim M Hussain
Kutti Revathi, Four Poems
Translated from the Tamil by Padma Narayanan, Vivek Narayanan, and Kutti Revathi
Kanji Patel, Three Poems
Translated from the Gujarati and Panchmahali Bhili by Rupalee Burke
Ubah Cristina Ali Farah, A Dhow Crosses the Sea
Translated from the Italian by Hope Campbell Gustafson
Omar Youssef Souleimane, from Away from Damascus
Translated from the Arabic by Ghada Mourad
Osama Alomar, from The Teeth of the Comb
Translated from the Arabic by Christian Collins and Osama Alomar
Amir Ahmadi Arian on the Contemporary Iranian Novel
Mohamed Abd-Alhai, Al-Samandel at the Edge of Absence
Translated from the Arabic by Bakhit Bakhit and Aron Aji
Mahmoud Dowlatabadi, The Trip That Did Not Happen
Translated from the Persian by Poupeh Missaghi
Stephanie Sauer on Tove Jansson
Ah-reum Han on Fabien Vehlmann, Hubert, and Kerascoët
Marieke Lucas Rijneveld, from Calf’s Caul
Translated from the Dutch by Sarah Timmer Harvey
Elvira Ribeiro Tobío, from Welcome to Sing Sing
Translated from the Galician by Keith Payne
Frédérique Martin, from The Despair of the Roses
Translated from the French by Hilary McGrath
Mireia Vidal-Conte on Miquel de Palol
Translated from the Catalan by Adrian Nathan West
Steve Komarnyckyj on Ukraine’s “Executed Renaissance”
Elisa Shua Dusapin, from Winter in Sokcho
Translated from the French by Aneesa Abbas Higgins
Pierre Jourde, from The Marshal Absolute
Translated from the French by Alexander Dickow
Valentine Goby, from Touch My Body and I'll Kill You
Translated from the French by Hodna Bentali Gharsallah Nuernberg
Vincent Ravalec, The Matrix and the Machine
Translated from the French by Wendeline A. Hardenberg
Tijan M. Sallah on The New Gambian Poets
Ottilie Mulzet on Gábor Schein
Jeong Yi Hyun, from The Girl Who Never Smiled
Translated from the Korean by Chi-Young Kim
Jessica Sequeira on Teresa Wilms Montt
Christopher Patton, Dumuzi Incipit
Mikael Johani, from mongrel kampung
Douglas Kearney, from A Natural History of Inequality
Manuel Baixauli, from The Fifth Floor
Translated from the Catalan by Adrian Nathan West
Helon Habila on Ken Saro-Wiwa
Najat El Hachmi, from Mother of Milk and Honey
Translated from the Catalan by Peter Bush
Neus Canyelles, The Lady with the Little Dog, by Anton Chekhov
Translated from the Catalan by Marlena Gittleman
J. V. Foix, Notes on El Port de la Selva
Translated from the Catalan by Lawrence Venuti
Christopher Walker on Sławomir Mrożek
Tore Kvæven, from When the Land Darkens
Translated from the Norwegian by Alison McCullough
Daniela Tarazona, from The Animal on the Rock
Translated from the Spanish by Kevin Gerry Dunn
Afrizal Malna, from Document Shredding Museum
Translated from the Indonesian by Daniel Owen
Jared Spears on Félix Morisseau-Leroy
S. J. Pearce on Medieval Poetry
Fiston Mwanza Mujila, from The River in the Belly
Translated from the French by J. Bret Maney
Emmanuel Ordóñez Angulo on Samanta Schweblin
Katherine M. Hedeen, Manifesto?
Maggie Zebracka, On (In)visibility
Frederika Randall, The turbo and the chiaro
Dylan Suher on Wang Shuo
J. Vera Lee, My Mother’s Cemetery
Jen Calleja and Sophie Collins, She knows too much: “Bridge Translations,” “Literal Translations,” and Long-Term Harm
Michael Autrey on Hans Faverey
Paul Worley on Humberto Ak’abal
Itzik Manger, from poems and ballads and Ruth
Translated from the Yiddish by Murray Citron and Lawrence Rosenwald
Alexander Elinson on Yassin Adnan
Kelly Morse on Nhã Thuyên
Luis Chitarroni on Benjamin Constant
Translated from the Spanish by Allison A. deFreese
Lara Norgaard on Putu Oka Sukanta
Venus Faiq, Three Poems
Translated from the Kurdish-Sorani by Sarwar Taha and Alana Marie Levinson-LaBrosse
Khider Kosari, Let Us Be One in Name and Heart
Translated from the Kurdish-Sorani by Mohammed Fatih Mohammed and David Shook
Rênas Jiyan, Collection 1
Translated from the Kurmanci by Zêdan Xelef and Alana Marie Levinson-LaBrosse
Qubadi Jali Zadeh, I Wish I Were a Dog
Translated from the Kurdish-Sorani by Mohammed Fatih Mohammed and David Shook
Manuel Antonio Castro Córdoba on Alberto Laiseca
Sherko Bekas, I Break My Thirst with Flame
Translated from the Kurdish-Sorani by Halo Fariq and Alana Marie Levinson-LaBrosse
Jonathan Cohen on Pedro Mir
Jennifer Manoukian on Zareh Vorpouni
Brother Anthony on Park Nohae
Tim Benjamin on Pedro Lemebel
Gonzalo Hermo, Six Poems
Translated from the Galician by Harriet Cook and Patrick Loughnane
Lara Dopazo Ruibal, from claus and the scorpion
Translated from the Galician by Laura Cesarco Eglin
Christopher Bakka on François Augiéras
Ekaterina Petrova on Iana Boukova
Sanja Mihajlovik-Kostadinovska, from (In)Finite Models of the Short Story
Translated from the Macedonian by Igor Popovski
Antonio Romani on Antonio Scurati
Donald Lopez on Gendun Chopel
Lacey Pipkin on Josefina Vicens
Sinan Çankaya, My Innumerable Identities
Translated from the Dutch by Jane Hedley-Prôle
Asuka Minamoto on Yang Seok-il
Sue Park on Ae-ran Kim
Douglas Robinson, Sixteen Avant-Garde Perspectives on World Literature and the Translator’s (In)visibility
Alain Mabanckou, An Open Letter to Those Who Are Killing Poetry
Translated from the French by Nancy Naomi Carlson
Anton Hur, Fictional Notes toward an Essay on Translation
An essay followed by a translation into the Korean by Bora Chung
Eliot Weinberger, New Trade Routes of the Word
Jeremy Tiang, The World Is Not Enough
John Freeman, How Granta Became Global
Mulugeta Alebachew, Heaven Without Prickly Pears
Translated from the Amharic by Mulugeta Alebachew and Bethlehem Attfield
Lusine Kharatyan, #America_place from 9/11 to 11/9
Translated from the Armenian by Lusine Kharatyan
An Interview with Evgeny Nikolaevich Reznichenko from Russia’s Institute for Literary Translation
Translated from the Russian by Sophie Benbelaid
Yeshua G. B. Tolle, World Literature at the End of the World: The Case of Aaron Zeitlin
Neske Beks, You Won’t Be Naming No Buildings After Me
Translated from the Dutch by Layla Benitez-James and Neske Beks
Stefan Hertmans, from Under a Sky of Bronze
Translated from the Dutch by Donald Gardner
Charlotte Van den Broeck, Princess Caraboo of Javasu
Translated from the Dutch by David McKay
Stijn Devillé, from Conversation with the rain
Translated from the Dutch by Sara Vertongen
Robert Kirkbride, The Reading Chamber
Majgull Axelsson, from My Name is Not Miriam
Translated from the Swedish by Kathy Saranpa
Jonas Gardell, from Don’t Wipe Their Tears Without Gloves
Translated from the Swedish by Elizabeth Clark Wessel
Antoinette Rychner, from After the World
Translated from the French by Margaret Morrison
Gertrud Leutenegger, from Panicked Spring
Translated from the German by Edward T. Larkin and Thomas Ahrens
Anaïs Meier, from About Mountains, Humans, and Especially Mountain Snails
Translated from the German by Genia Blum
Catherine Safonoff, from The Miner and the Canary
Translated from the French by Rachel Farmer
Mariella Mehr, Four Poems
Translated from the German by Jamie Richards and Adrian Nathan West
Anna Felder, from Unstill Life with Cat
Translated from the Italian by Brian Robert Moore
Lusine Kharatyan, #America_place Pregnant
Translated from the Armenian by Lusine Kharatyan
Narine Abgaryan, Hunger
Translated from the Russian by Margarit Ordukhanyan and Zara Martirosova Torlone
Krikor Beledian, from Unpeopled Language
Translated from the Western Armenian by Taline Voskeritchian and Christopher Millis
Moon Chung-hee, Ten Poems
Translated from the Korean by Clare You, Zack Rogow, and J. Vera Lee
Jean-François Beauchemin, from Day of the Crows
Translated from the French by Alice Heathwood
Robin Munby, A New Vocabulary of Translation
Yolanda González, from Song of the Whale-road
Translated from the Spanish by Robin Munby
Nicole Wong, The Terroir of a Single Work: Redefining Scope in Approaches to Translation
Raudal Tanjung Banua, Ben Anderson’s Final Message to a Street Musician in Jogja
Translated from the Indonesian by Dalih Sembiring
Andina Dwifatma, from Quieter Than a Whisper
Translated from the Indonesian by Jessica Jemalem Ginting
Ilya Kaminsky, Reading Dante in Ukraine
Jailan Zayan, Sunshine Most Always
Nam Le, from 36 Ways of Writing a Vietnamese Poem
Patricio Ferrari, from Mud Songs
Manuel Rueda, Song of Return to the Promised Land
Translated from the Spanish by Ramon Antonio Victoriano-Martinez
Elina Sventsytska, I Write to You from the East
Translated from the Ukrainian by Wendi Bootes
Rannvá Holm Mortensen, from Spring Milk
Translated from the Faroese by Matthew Landrum and Rakul í Gerðinum
Jóanes Nielsen, Six Poems
Translated from the Faroese by Matthew Landrum, Tóta Árnadóttir, and Paula Gaard
Anna Malan Jógvansdóttir, from Fire Coral
Translated from the Faroese by Matthew Landrum and Luciano Dutra
Diana Senechal, A Syllable That Turns into the World
Marjun Syderbø Kjelnæs, from The Karma Goat
Translated from the Faroese by Matthew Landrum and Rakul í Gerðinum
Guðrið Poulsen, from one straight line one curved
Translated from the Faroese by Randi Ward
Kim Simonsen, from What good does it do for a person to wake up one morning this side of the new millennium
Translated from the Faroese by Randi Ward
Nebojša Lujanović, from Cloud the Color of Skin
Translated from the Croatian by Ena Selimović
Chiang Hiu-mei, from A Dialogue across the Generations
Translated from the Chinese by Anonymous
Farah Ahamed, The Day You Ate Our Deliveroo Delivery
Honora Spicer, Spitting Sutures
Micaela Brinsley, Nothing to Be Owed
Abby Minor, from The Village Elegies
Chase Harrow, Cohort
Willem Marx, Fellow Feeling
Lowry Pressly, Portami
Odette Casamayor-Cisneros, Home of the Maroon Women
Translated from the Spanish by Anna Kushner
Robin Munby, from Machado Versions
Martin Piñol, In Each, Every Direction
Olivier Domerg, from Portrait of the Puy de Manse
Translated from the French by Matt Reeck
Damion Searls, from The Complete Paintings and Drawings of Paul Klee, Translated into Verse
Chapman Caddell, The Parallel Action (I)
Pablo Martín Ruiz, Epiphanies on the Danube
Translated from the Spanish by Daniella Gitlin
Benudhar Sharma, Meeting in Deodhai Village
Translated from the Assamese by Uddipana Goswami
Masahiko Fujiwara, Literature and Mathematics
Translated from the Japanese by Sayuri Okamoto
José Saramago, from Small Memories
Translated from the Portuguese by Margaret Jull Costa
Reina María Rodríguez, from 'The Girl's Story' (Other Letters to Milena)
Translated from the Spanish by Kristin Dykstra
Xiao Yuan and Loida Arevalo, Plights
Translated from the Chinese and Tagalog by Tai Shuxia, Ong Xiao Yun, and Richel Hidalgo
Sayuri Okamoto, Letters from Japan
An essay followed by a translation into the Japanese by Sayuri Okamoto
Yoshimichi Nakajima, I Will Be in Trouble If I Die
Translated from the Japanese by Sim Yee Chiang
Gen'yū Sōkyū, Is It Possible to Fear Properly?
Translated from the Japanese by Sim Yee Chiang
Dale Peck, Homer's Forge
David Shields, The Fourth Law of Thermodynamics
Takahashi Mutsuo, from The Various Types of Sea
Translated from the Japanese by Jeffrey Angles
Reif Larsen, The Generosity of a Matchstick
Abdellah Taïa, Homosexuality Explained To My Mother
Translated from the French by Riccardo Moratto
Vasily Grossman, from An Armenian Sketchbook
Translated from the Russian by Robert Chandler
Norah Lange, from Notes from Childhood
Translated from the Spanish by Maureen Shaughnessy
Christian Dumoux, from Childhood in Madagascar
Translated from the French by Alexis Pernsteiner and Antoine Bargel
Yasmina Khadra, from The Writer
Translated from the French by Alexis Pernsteiner and Antoine Bargel
Will McGrath, Good & Bad Joala
An essay followed by a translation into the Chinese by Francis Li Zhuoxiong
Jonas Hassen Khemiri, An Open Letter to Beatrice Ask
Translated from the Swedish by Rachel Willson-Broyles
Naoki Higashida, from The Reason I Jump
Translated from the Japanese by David Mitchell and K.A. Yoshida
Jérôme Tubiana, Letter to My Father
Translated from the French by Colin Robertson and Paul Reeve
Fu-chen Lo and Jou-chin Chen, from From Taiwan to the World and Back
Translated from the Chinese by Lee Yew Leong
Gonçalo M. Tavares, Brief Notes on Science
Translated from the Portuguese by Rhett McNeil
Eric Nepomuceno, Gabo As I Knew Him
Translated from the Portuguese by Eric M. B. Becker
Martina Bastos, "Rain is a thing that happens in the past"
Translated from the Spanish by Sophie Hughes
Flannery O'Connor, Letters to Erik Langkjaer
Klaus Rothstein, Flannery O'Connor's Kiss of Death
Translated from the Danish by Katrine Øgaard Jensen
Miljenko Jergović and Semezdin Mehmedinović, from Transatlantic Mail
Translated from the Bosnian and Croatian by Mirza Purić
Grégoire Chamayou, from A Theory of the Drone
Translated from the French by Janet Lloyd
Ilya Ilf, A Country That Didn't Have October
Translated from the Russian by Steven Volynets
Raphaël Confiant, from Ravines of Early Morning
Translated from the French by Patricia Hartland
Dara Abdallah, from Loneliness Spoils its Victims
Translated from the Arabic by Mona Kareem
Mireille Gansel, Translation as Transhumance
Translated from the French by Ros Schwartz
Alberto Prunetti, from Amianto: Una Storia Operaia
Translated from the Italian by Will Schutt
Shahnon Ahmad, from My Boyhood in an Impoverished Village
Translated from the Malay by Nicole Idar
Gostan Zarian, from The Traveler and His Road
Translated from the Armenian by Nairi Hakhverdi
Agnieszka Taborska, The Sea, or the Poet at Work
Translated from the Polish by Ursula Phillips
The Sisters of the Convent of Saint Katharinental, Selections from the St. Katharinental Sister Book
Translated from the Medieval High German by Amiri Ayanna
Joël Gayraud, Selections from La peau de l’ombre (The Shadow’s Skin)
Translated from the French by S. D. Chrostowska
Auke Hulst, from Apostle of Jack, Arthur, John, and Paul
Translated from the Dutch by Emma Rault
Lee Chi-leung, When the Migrants Amass: Notes from the New Territories
Translated from the Chinese by Joy Zhu
Fabrizio Coscia, All I ask is to finish my work
Translated from the Italian by Emma Mandley
Elena Poniatowska, from María Izquierdo: Left, Right and Back Again
Translated from the Spanish by Christina MacSweeney
Knud Sønderby, A Man and His Great-Grandfather
Translated from the Danish by Michael Favala Goldman
Ayu Utami, from The Confessions of A
Translated from the Indonesian by Kadek Krishna Adidharma
Guillermo Fadanelli, from In Praise of Vagrancy
Translated from the Spanish by Alice Whitmore
Vali Khalili, Report of a Public Hanging
Translated from the Persian by Poupeh Missaghi
Roberto Merino, Television: The Thousand and One Nights
Translated from the Spanish by Neil Davidson
Mariusz Szczygieł, Poland in Small Ads
Translated from the Polish by Antonia Lloyd-Jones
Dominique Eddé, from The Crime of Jean Genet
Translated from the French by Andrew Rubens and Ros Schwartz
Vazha Pshavela, Cosmopolitanism and Patriotism
Translated from the Georgian by Rebecca Gould
Abdourahman A. Waberi, from Harvest of Skulls
Translated from the French by Dominic Thomas
Monika Rinck, Getting Closer to the Sources
Translated from the German by Karl Hoffmann
Christiane Singer, The Feminine, Land of Welcome
Translated from the French by Hélène Cardona
Ziemowit Szczerek, from Mordor’s Coming to Eat Us: A Secret History of the Slavs
Translated from the Polish by Scotia Gilroy
Luigi Amara, A Harebrained History of the Wig
Translated from the Spanish by Christina MacSweeney
Victor Heringer, Notes for a General Theory of the Arriviste
Translated from the Portuguese by Maíra Mendes Galvão
Aleksander Kaczorowski, The World Is Beautiful Enough to Drive You to Distraction
Translated from the Polish by Julia and Peter Sherwood
Shibu Tudu, Memories of the Kirta Dangra
Translated from the Santhali by Hansda Sowvendra Shekhar
Yasujiro Ozu, The Unexpected Scent of Salad
Translated from the Japanese by Adam Kuplowsky
Dubravka Ugrešić, Unhappiness Is Other People
Translated from the Croatian by Ellen Elias-Bursać
Nasrollah Kasraian, The Photographer’s Notes
Translated from the Persian by Poupeh Missaghi
Martin Pollack, from The Emperor of America
Translated from the German by Julia and Peter Sherwood
Cristina Rivera Garza, 2501 Migrants by Alejandro Santiago
Translated from the Spanish by Sarah Booker
Nikola Popović, Stories from the Barbershop
Translated from the Serbian by Nikola Popović
Matěj Hořava, Distilled Spirits and Other Stories from the Banat
Translated from the Czech by Andrew Oakland
Antonin Artaud, Fragments from a Diary in Hell
Translated from the French by Michelle Abramowitz
Néstor Sánchez, Manhattan Island Notebook
Translated from the Spanish by Federico Barea and Casey Drosehn Gough
Abdellah Taïa, To Love and to Kill: Why Do I Write In French?
Translated from the French by Hodna Bentali Gharsallah Nuernberg
María Flora Yáñez, from Visions of Childhood
Translated from the Spanish by Alice Edwards
Elgas, Bad Faith: Notes on My Return to Senegal
Translated from the French by Claire Wadie and Emma La Fontaine Jackson
Hubert Matiúwàa, The Global Market in the Mountains of Guerrero
Translated from the Spanish by Paul M. Worley
Nguyễn Đức Tùng, Meeting a Jarai Tribesman and His Wife in New York City
Translated from the Vietnamese by Thuy Dinh
Mohsen Namjoo, from Desiring and Refuting Nostalgia
Translated from the Persian by Poupeh Missaghi
Markiyan Kamysh, Prypiat Underground, or the Resurrection of a Dead Town
Translated from the Ukrainian by Hanna Leliv
Victor Serge, from Excerpts From the Notebooks
Translated from the French by Mitchell Abidor and Richard Greeman
Natalia Viana, from São Gabriel and its Demons
Translated from the Portuguese by Lara Norgaard
Abdelfattah Kilito, from The Dream of a Baghdad Night
Translated from the French by Hodna Bentali Gharsallah Nuernberg
Andrej Bán, from An Elephant in Zemplín
Translated from the Slovak by Julia and Peter Sherwood
Marcin Wicha, from Things I Didn't Throw Out
Translated from the Polish by Marta Dziurosz
Silviano Santiago, Hélio Oiticica in Manhattan
Translated from the Portuguese by Lara Norgaard
Mihaela Miroiu, from Thinking Like a Woman
Translated from the Romanian by Jozefina Komporaly
Stuart Lau, The Man Who Lost His Shadow
Translated from the Chinese by Jacqueline Leung
Katica Ḱulavkova, On the Alphabet of Dreams: A Letter to Carl Gustav Jung
Translated from the Macedonian by Jasmina Ilievska-Marjanovic
Nathan Trantraal, White isn't a colour
Translated from the Kaapse Afrikaans by Alice Inggs
Fiona Bell, The Diva Mode of Translation
Durian Sukegawa, Cycling the Narrow Road to the Deep North: Thoughts, Sights, and Encounters
Translated from the Japanese by Alison Watts
Judith Schalansky, from An Inventory of Losses
Translated from the German by Jackie Smith
Tomáš Forró, Disenchantment in Dirty Snow
Translated from the Slovak by Magdalena Mullek
Javier Sinay, The Footprints of Bashō, Hearn, and Borges on the Roads of Japan
Translated from the Spanish by Allison Braden
Vadim Muratkhanov, A Place on the Edge of Time
Translated from the Russian by Robin Munby
Noémi Kiss, The Cut-Off Caucasus—a Trip to the Village in the Mountains
Translated from the Hungarian by Peter Sherwood
Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Impressions of the South of France
Translated from the German by Henry N. Gifford
Baron Dominique-Jean Larrey, from The Description of Egypt: or Collection of the Observations and Research Which Were Performed in Egypt
Translated from the French by Michael J Rulon
Helmi Sharawy, from An Egyptian African Story
Translated from the Arabic by Reem Abou-El-Fadl
Dionisios Sturis, from Wherever You Throw Me
Translated from the Polish by Scotia Gilroy
Dora Kaprálová, The Island of Circumscribed Hope
Translated from the Czech by Julia Sherwood and Peter Sherwood
Pedro Plaza Salvati, Submission and Mass in the Street
Translated from the Spanish by Brendan Riley
Hoda Barakat, The Return of the Non-Prodigal Sons
Translated from the Arabic by Tarek El-Ariss
Hwang Sok-yong, from The Prisoner
Translated from the Korean by Anton Hur and Sora Kim-Russell
Martín Tonalmeyotl, I Denied My Own Mother
Translated from the Spanish by Whitney DeVos
Małgorzata Rejmer, from Mud Sweeter Than Honey
Translated from the Polish by Zosia Krasodomska-Jones and Antonia Lloyd-Jones
Tadelech Hailemikael, from Who is the Judge?
Translated from the Amharic by Bethlehem Attfield
Ferdinand Pisigan Jarin, Six Saturdays of Beyblade
Translated from the Filipino by John Leihmar C. Toledo
Javier Sinay, from The Murders of Moisés Ville
Translated from the Spanish by Robert Croll
Salma El Tarzi, from An Attempt to Remember My Face
Translated from the Arabic by Katharine Halls
Theis Ørntoft, Our Days in Paradise are Over
Translated from the Danish by Amy Priestley
Agnieszka Taborska, from The World Has Gone Mad: A Surrealist Handbook on How to Survive
Translated from the Polish by Soren Gauger
Stefani J. Alvarez, from The Autobiography of the Other Lady Gaga
Translated from the Filipino by Alton Melvar M. Dapanas
Andrii Petrovitch Krasnyashchikh, from As Bombs Fall
Translated from the Russian by Matthew Hyde
Abdelfattah Kilito, Borges and the Blind
Translated from the Arabic by Ghazouane Arslane
Anna Kushner, How Altın Gün Saved My Life
Karen Villeda, from The Water of Lourdes
Translated from the Spanish by Allana Noyes and Andrea Chapela
Galina Itskovich, from War Diary of a Psychotherapist in Dire Straits
Translated from the Russian by Maria Bloshteyn
Alejandra Eme Vázquez, from You’ll Leave Your Body Behind
Translated from the Spanish by Nora E. Carr
Selim Özdoğan, Seven Difficulties and One Ever-Narrowing Path
Translated from the German by Katy Derbyshire
Mohammed Khaïr-Eddine, Asinus, Asnous, and Ass
Translated from the French by Conor Bracken
Max Czollek, from De-Integrate! A Jewish Survival Guide for the 21st Century
Translated from the German by Jon Cho-Polizzi
Nina Kossman, How I Tried to Unite the Parts of my Soul
Translated from the Russian by Nina Kossman
Gunnhild Øyehaug, But Out There—Out There–
Translated from the Norwegian by Francesca M. Nichols
Amyr Klink, from One Hundred Days Between Sky and Sea
Translated from the Portuguese by Rachel Morgenstern-Clarren
Maria Grazia Calandrone, Your Little Matter
Translated from the Italian by Antonella Lettieri
Socorro Acioli, The Young Lady from a Good Family
Translated from the Portuguese by Silvia Düssel Schiros
Almayrah A. Tiburon, Keyboard and Breastfeed
Translated from the Tagalog by Bernard Capinpin
Aigerim Tazhi, Following the Breath of the Earth
Translated from the Russian by Aigerim Tazhi
Ubah Cristina Ali Farah, Three Short Pieces
Translated from the Italian by Brandon Michael Cleverly Breen
Kateryna Yehorushkina, Dmytro Sergeev: “I Was Offered the Chance to Become a Collaborator”
Translated from the Ukrainian by Mariia Akhromieieva
Stefani J. Alvarez, from Dear Sol
Translated from the Filipino by Alton Melvar M. Dapanas
Carlos Oriel Wynter Melo, from The Names of the Panama Canal
Translated from the Spanish by Miranda Mazariegos
San Su, The Transformation of Chickens into Ducks
Translated from the Chinese by Audrey Heijins
Alfonsina Storni, from We . . . and Our Flesh
Translated from the Spanish by Anna Evelyn White and Alina Lazar
Giorgio Fontana, from Kafka: A World of Truth
Translated from the Italian by Howard Curtis
Ubah Cristina Ali Farah, The House of Termites
Translated from the Italian by Brandon Michael Cleverly Breen
Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl, Höpöhöpö Böks
Yevgeniy Fiks, Moscow
Araya Rasdjarmrearnsook, The Class, Death Seminar
Manit Sriwanichpoom, Masters
Alexandra Demenkova, Pokrovka
Thomas Broomé, Two Works
Simon Morley, Messagerie
Charwei Tsai, Ah!
Judith Huang and Huang Zhipeng, Chun Xue
Hsia Yü et al., 'Cross it Out, Cross it Out, Cross it Out'—Erasurist Poetry from Taiwan's Poetry Now.
Translated from the Chinese by Dylan Suher and Rachel Hui-Yu Tang
Nina Katchadourian, Sorted Books
Nick Dubois, Parnassus Paper
Sadik Kwaish Alfraji, The House That My Father Built
Johanna Drucker, Figuring the Word
Ian Whittlesea, Text in the Expanded Field
Simon Lewty, Two Adventures in Translation
Sarah Jacobs, Intersecting Words
Maria Chevska, From the Diary of a Fly
Michael Jacobson, On Asemic Writing
Ghada Amer, Norms and Forms of Translation
Walker and Walker, Mount Analogue Revisited
Manfredi Giffone, from Un Fatto Umano
Jewyo Rhii, Trace of Speech
Danny Aldred, The Back of Books
Jinkyung Lee, Jeong Jae-wan, Kim Jong-won, Kim Jongku, and Lee Dong Kook, Korean Alphabet (Hangul) Art
Translated from the Korean by Lee Sangyeon and Choe Jeong-Hoon
Grace Weir, Script
Rafaël, VOWELS
Hiba Schahbaz, My Selves
Mahwish Chishty, War Machines
Leslie Ross, Text and Image
Odires Mlászho, Altered Books
Will Kwan, The Iconography of Globalism
Ali Wong and Wong Kit Yi, Every System Breaks
Mekhitar Garabedian, Always Speaking the Words of Others
Christine Davis, Machines for Thinking
Naho Taruishi, An Outside and an Inside
Jumaadi, Art as a Vehicle to Connect
Nina Papaconstantinou, Drawing the Printed Page
Brandon Downing, Burning Through the Razor Blades
Caroline Bergvall, Propelled to the Edges of a Language’s Freedom, and to the Depths of Its Collective Traumas
Kemang Wa Lehulere, History Will Break Your Heart
Translated from the English by Alice Inggs
Stefana McClure, Tactile Translations
Jinoos Taghizadeh, A Map of the Artist’s Mind
Translated from the Persian by Poupeh Missaghi
Shilpa Gupta, Possessing Skies
Kambiz Derambakhsh, Literary Series
Kingsley Ng, Art and Community
Enrique Chagoya, (Mis)Appropriation: Then and Now
Behdad Lahooti, Inscription
Yiğit Kolat, (Mis)translations of Data into Sound
Tim Simonds, Phatic Talk
Amira Hanafi, Cities and Dictionaries
RohwaJeong, Everyday Play
Tomaz Viana, Insomnia and the Museum
Mounira Al Solh, Mother Tongues
Chan Sai-lok, Visualizations of Literature
Guga Szabzon, Impossible, Indelible, Inexhaustible
Translated from the Portuguese by Sarah Booker and Robert Noffsinger
Diana Khoi Nguyen, To Cut Out
hiromi suzuki, Invisible Poetry
Christen Shea, Poetic Simulations
Jorge Wellesley, Textructures
Roya Amigh, Resilient Fragilities
Chang Wen-Hsuan, The Compendium of Autobiographies
Julie Wills, The Depth of Need Made Visible
Winnie Soon, Time, Code, and Poetry
Some Artists, The Visual Language of Protest in Iran
Ain Bailey, Sonic Autobiographies and Pitch Sisterhood
Simona Nastac, Polyphonic
Rachel Blau DuPlessis, On Portals, Poems, and Collage
Charbel-joseph H. Boutros, Charged Invisibility
Elisabeth S. Clark, The Restlessness of Words
Ella Ponizovsky Bergelson, Hybrid Calligraphy
Minia Biabiany, Weaving Silences
Lap-See Lam, The Chinese Restaurant as Portal
Zi Yi Wang, Trash History
Dani Spinosa, Typewriters, Desire, Community
Iman Issa, Text and Object Collaborations
Tania Candiani, Sonorous Objects and Speaking Machines
Jaro Varga, Smuggling the Past into This Brief Moment
Cosmo Whyte, Coming into Being and Disappearing
Yikui Gu, Classic Yellow
Michael Lee, Serious Intent, Light Humor, Low Stakes
Sergey Katran, When the Cannons are Firing
Abdulrahman Naanseh, Pressure/Movement/Effect
Bahia Shehab, Heaven and Hell in the Anthropocene
Yevgenia Belorusets, “The Complaint Against Language” in Wartime Ukraine
Translated from the English and Russian by Eugene Ostashevsky
Alaa Abu Asad, Wild Plants
Alexa Frank, Translating Manga
Choy-Ping Ní Chléirigh-Ng, Window to Window
Gertrudis Rivalta Oliva, That Kind of Silence
Yornel Martínez Elías, A Dialogue Postponed
Translated from the Spanish by Jacqueline Loss