Translation makes paper liquid, as Uljana Wolf says, one writer's uniquely memorable images now able to spread outside their original borders. Among the vivid tableaux conjured up in this newest edition of Asymptote: a mother in Péter Nádas' play calling her son's father, "Just a well-hung angel, my dear," a tiger leaning over you as you wake in Yoko Tawada's Soulflight, or the lovelorn poems of Propertius found graffitied on the walls of Pompeii. Clicking through the treasures on this issue's pages (and not to mention our brand-new blog!) means trying to hold on to many such newly liquescent moments and phrases.
Enduring images are also transmitted through rhythm, as we can hear in the profoundly erotic chants of Aandaal, a 9th-century Tamil saint. Just as her desire still sings in translation, so sound strong the contemporary poets in our English-Language Feature: whether long-established, "Hushabye we paid the money man/To turn on the light so we can see/The blessed light of Calvary," quoth Wanda Coleman; or proudly emerging, "And she tastes (when she talks) like she fucks (like my wife)," from Danniel Schoonebeek's poem. Time crowds our skulls, as poet Wong Leung-wo has it, and works of literature certainly resound through time as well, conveying childhood memories and anxieties, as we see in our first translation from the Mexican language of Zapotec (Natalia Toledo), in the heartrending memoirs of Argentine ultraist Norah Lange, and in the übercreepy coming-of-age tale by Gail Hareven (Israel)—illustrated with great charm by guest artist Miko Yu.
If writers are often voyeurs, secretively capturing in words what others prefer to hide behind drawn curtains, translators are forced to dive even deeper, burrowing under the author's words to find the construction, the translatable truth beneath. Our excerpt from Lebanese author Hassan Daoud reveals its predatory peeping slowly, but the great Mircea Cărtărescu looks upon his native Bucharest with a more gimlet eye, spying on the buildings around him with not just curiosity, but wonder. Graphic novels such as Manfredi Giffone's retelling of Giovanni Falcone's lost battle against the Italian mafia can use fresh imagery (in his rendition, the 200-some named characters all have animal faces) to tell complicated stories, making them resound in ways that traditional nonfiction simply cannot.
Translation is a matter of "collaboration and constraint," to quote Uljana Wolf again. The translator joins forces with the text at hand to create a new work within the constraints set by the original author. In our interview, Anne Carson and her 'randomizer' partner Robert Currie concur. As always, there's plenty more collaborations to get lost in: clear-eyed reviews of Jonathan Franzen's Karl Kraus and Mani Rao's Bhagavad Gita translations, Fady Joudah on Ghassan Zaqtan, a conversation with multimedia artist Alfred Harth, whose studio borders the Korean DMZ, and so much more!
These are exciting times for Asymptote, as our team is now 57-strong, and the site gets better and better. Have you seen our newly tweaked world map? And the grand opening of our blog? Updated almost daily, it will have timely reviews of translated titles, showcase shorter translations, and carry the latest dispatches from our worldwide crew, reporting from the farthest reaches of the globe, be it Buenos Aires or Kathmandu. This week, for example, we feature a new translation of Louis Aragon by Damion Searls, review Ina Rilke's translation of The Black Lake by Hella S. Haasse, and post the first installment of a biweekly column on pop music covers from around the world. Now, If you are excited by all this, don't forget to toss us some coin; your wonderful donations will go towards the third-anniversary bash we are already planning for January next year. (Find out how you can volunteer at our global launch events here.) Help raise the profile of world literature everywhere. Support Asymptote today.
—Lee Yew Leong, Editor-in-Chief
Editorial Team for Issue Oct 2013
Editor-in-Chief: Lee Yew Leong (Taiwan/Singapore)
Managing Editor (Content): Tara FitzGerald (USA/UK)
Managing Editor (Administrative): Megan McDowell (Switzerland/USA)
Assistant Managing Editor: Eric M. B. Becker (USA/Brazil)
Senior Editor: Florian Duijsens (Germany/Netherlands)
Section Editors:
Lee Yew Leong (Taiwan/Singapore)
Aditi Machado (India/USA)
Caridad Svich (USA/UK)
Simon Morley (UK/South Korea)
Aaron Kerner (USA)
Matthew Jakubowski (USA)
Contributing Editors:
Brother Anthony of Taizé (Korea), Ellen Elias-Bursac (USA), Howard Goldblatt (USA), Aamer Hussein (Pakistan/UK), Sylvia Lin (Taiwan/USA), Sayuri Okamoto (Japan/Italy), Sim Yee Chiang (Singapore), Dylan Suher (USA) and Adrian West (USA)
Chinese Contributing Editor: Francis Li Zhuoxiong (Hong Kong/Taiwan)
Assistant Editors: Patricia Nash (France/USA) and Julia Sanches (Brazil/Spain)
Editors-at-large, Argentina: Frances Riddle and Maureen Shaughnessy
Editors-at-large, Australia: Stephanie Guest
Editor-at-large, Central Asia: Alex Cigale
Editor-at-large, Croatia: Ervin Felić
Editor-at-large, Hong Kong: Charlie Ng Chak-Kwan
Editor-at-large, Hungary: Ágnes Orzóy
Editor-at-large, India: Rahul Soni
Editor-at-large, Iran: Farzaneh Doosti
Editor-at-large, Kenya: Natalya Din-Kariuki
Editor-at-large, Macedonia: Christina Kramer
Editor-at-large, Malaysia: Nicole Idar
Editor-at-large, Nepal: Elen Turner
Editor-at-large, Paris: Daniel Medin
Editor-at-large, Slovakia: Julia Sherwood
Editor-at-Large, Taiwan: Vivian Chih
Editor-at-large, UK: Nashwa Gowanlock
Senior Editor (Chinese): Chenxin Jiang (Hong Kong/USA)
Nonfiction Editor: Joshua Craze (UK/USA)
Blog Editors: Nick Sheerin and Zack Newick
Social Media Manager: Rachel Richardson
PR/Communications for Events: Matthew Todd
Masthead for Issue Oct 2013
Fiction and Nonfiction: Lee Yew Leong
Poetry and English-Language Poetry Special Feature: Aditi Machado
Drama: Caridad Svich
Visual: Simon Morley
Criticism: Aaron Kerner
Interview: Matthew Jakubowski
Illustrations and Cover: Miko Yu
Guest Artist Liaison: Susan Lin
Proofreaders: Diana George, Joshua Craze, Nashwa Gowanlock, Frances Riddle and Letitia Tan
Managing Editor (Content): Tara FitzGerald
Managing Editor (Administrative): Megan McDowell
Assistant Managing Editor: Eric M. B. Becker
Senior Editor: Florian Duijsens (Germany/Netherlands)
Executive Assistants: Alex Sham, Letitia Tan and Charlie Ng Chak-Kwan
Technical Manager: József Szabó
Graphic Designer: Susan Lin
Graphic Design Assistants: Sarah Chan and Sahara Shrestha
Communications Manager: Casiana Ionita
Chinese Social Media: Charlie Ng Chak-Kwan
Interns: Sohini Basak, Michael Spinelli and Zhang Zhuxin
Asymptote would like to acknowledge the support and/or contributions of: The Fence, Kim Anno, Choi Don Mee, Jaime Estrada, Elena Iannaccone, Keely Platte, Laurel Burchfield, Sarah Irving, Fleurs des Lettres and Louise Law.
Thanks go too to Daniel Koh and John Kinsella for their generous donations.