Asymptote for Educators Logo

Welcome to our beta page for Asymptote for Educators. Our mission is to equip university and high-school educators with the tools they need to bring literature from all over the globe into the classroom. The world is a gloriously diverse place. We want students to experience its literary, linguistic and cultural wealth to the fullest extent possible.


For every new Asymptote issue, we release an educator’s guide for those wanting to teach pieces from that issue. Each guide offers a thematic breakdown of that issue’s content, relevant information about the context of various pieces, and possible discussion questions and exercises.

Our Winter 2025 educator’s guide is now live here! You can also download our educator’s guides to our Fall 2024Summer 2024Spring 2024Winter 2024Summer 2023Spring 2023Winter 2023Summer 2022Spring 2022Winter 2022Fall 2021Summer 2021Winter 2021Fall 2020Summer 2020Spring 2020Winter 2020Fall 2019Summer 2019Spring 2019Winter 2019Fall 2018Summer 2018Spring 2018Winter 2018Fall 2017Summer 2017Spring 2017Winter 2017Fall 2016Summer 2016, and Spring 2016 issues. 

Sounds good? We’re just warming up!

Our plans for future resources include:

  • A brand-new educator’s blog, parallel to Asymptote’s existing blog, and full of dynamic, interactive materials to support teaching and learning
  • Articles written by our team, as well as links to outside articles, intended to stimulate conversation about the benefits, challenges, and questions unique to the teaching of global literature in diverse classrooms
  • Contributions from passionate, experienced educators
    • Stories from the classroom
    • Creative ideas about how to teach specific Asymptote content
    • Innovative pedagogical perspectives about global literature in particular classroom contexts
    • Questions and solutions submitted by you—our literary hivemind!
  • Materials contributed by students themselves, e.g. assignments created in response to Asymptote content
  • We would love to consider including any resources that you suggest to us!


Does the prospect of students engaging with literature from around the world excite you? Do you have fresh ideas and useful insights for educators who want to teach world literature? You can help us! We’re currently seeking:

  • New team members with a passion for pedagogy and world literature who are willing to commit their time and expertise on an ongoing basis.
  • Contributors willing to share their thoughts and experiences about teaching world literature via written pieces for the Asymptote for Educators website. 
  • Feedback from educators on the material we’ve provided so far. What do you find useful about our Educator’s Guides and what could be improved? What do you think of the material on our site? What issues in teaching world literature could we address? What topics could we cover? Let us know what you think. We’re all ears!

If you’re interested in any of the above roles, or if you’d like to give us feedback, please contact us at

More specifically, if you can provide us with feedback about our Educators’ Guides, we’d love you to fill out this survey.

Last but not least, help us spread the word to as many educators as possible. Thank you!