my mother Maria and
my aunt used to
teach Quran in the
house they were the
teachers of the freej
the mothers of the
tongues they used to
have 30 to 40
students at a time
sometimes more sometimes less
mashallah our house was
always filled with heads
every day they would
come every day they
all still remember her
Abdulshakoor was her student
and when he would
see me anywhere still
even today he always
points at me like
this and says “the
mother of this one
taught me everything”
“أم هذا علمتني كل شيء”
they were all young
kids they started when
they were young kids
when they were young
line the first person
in Eid we would
go to the tujjar’s
house byoot el tujjar
mathalan bait Mohammad Abbas
we would have breakfast
there everyone gathered there
all everyone Marars Bastakis
some would come from
Deira too and do
you know what their
breakfast was? rice and
meat—rice and meat?—
yes rice and meat
twenty big plates or
so and harees too
—then what was their
lunch?—also the same
from house to house
they go like this
and not one person
two persons
مب نفر
no seventy or eighty
persons all like the
crowd of a football
match مثل مباراة
they gave us kids
eediya of course eediya
made us happy الصغارية
عطوهم آنة آنتين ثلاث
we would pray isha
then take the abra
to deira where the
dukkan was and we
opened the dukkan from
the evening until dawn
نسير نفتح الدكان لين قبل الفجر
Clay II

big very big I
thought our house was
the rooms were big
the hoash the yard
but now everything became
my wedding was
in that house when
I took my kids
I told them my
wedding was here they
were surprised ya3ni they were
like how ya3ni how
—what did your bathroom
look like where did
you get water how
did you shower did—
some bathrooms had showers
maybe 1 maybe 2
but regular ones had
no showers only places
for wuduu the WC
قضاء الحاجة كان برع
was behind the house
in the حوي but
far a bit we
had a WC down
and up on the
roof and the bi’ir
was on that side
one was down one
you know there were
four openings from every
side in summer they
would open them in
winter they would close
them—with what did
they close them—they
closed them with wood
like this a triangle
wood to close it
in winter in summer
they take the wood out
for the wind to
come to them [no
don’t drink that with soya milk please but it’s ok you can keep it I’ll have this one do you want no I want an empty glass for me please make it with soya milk for me do you want orange juice Shamma لا I’m fine do you have watermelon juice yeah ok I’ll have some watermelon juice thank you what else do you want to know]
yes! yes yes yes
this was before petrol