no trace of a maker remains
these monuments we raise, books we write,
wind up in a lost tongue
bp Nichol
I’d speak if I wasn’t afraid (…)
Fanny Howe
A town full of holes
Munumental latencies
Ruins in reverse
La nuit après l'amour
La tradition se retire
Un désastre nous dévore
Time is officially ended
In the Odyssey there is a pig
that speaks fluent Greek
La ville fantôme est un champ de ruines mais la ville la nuit se lève et se relève, érige dans la nuit ses tours ses ponts ses murailles et son peuple.
In the confusion
I seek
provisional light
In the confusion
I speak
لخولة أطلال ببرقة ثهمد
أطلال ... تلوح
and fade
Speaking in tongues
of primitive simplicity
In Navajo there are three hundred fifty-six thousand and two hundred
distinct forms of a verb that translates as ‘to go,’ she says.
‘To be’ hardly even exists.
une folie sous surveillance
C'est le réel qui polyglotte
The trace of a tattoo
on the back of a hand
تلوح كباقي الوشم في ظاهر اليد
The trace of a tattoo
appears and fades
On ne coupe jamais
la main des artistes
In the desert
lightning is elegiac
يا بارق يا حارج يا ثهمد
In the desert
art is civility
est une manière الأدب
I'd speak if I wasn't afraid
of inhaling
يقولون لا تهلك أسى
Don't lose yourself
in grief
I follow
myself fleeing
fuir, là-bas fuir
a feeling
le pays qui me ressemble
Your ignorance will be your foundation
in the Odyssey
there is a fawn
that speaks
fluent Greek
We embraced the world
before we knew it
يقولون لا تهلك أسى
True fiction
false reality
Exit myth
Below the Hafa café
a highway was built
Tarmac ashes
Magic rubble
Exit the sea
Gone with the sun
لكل علم وعمل بقايا وخفايا
Our fantasy found a form
in geology
Sous les pavés
عرب وعجم وكلام وخمر
An erotics of words and wine
in عراق or in يمن
A Babel of sighs and brine
Il n'y a d'originel
que le malentendu
En choeur on ventriloque
We are the earth
et la terre n'est pas si ronde
“Nadie le vio desembarcar en la unanime noche”
اعطني ديك الخريطة عافاك
in itself
is silent
And this mirror is a masterpiece
Du lumineux
et de l'obscur
le mélange
seul signifie
‘Your ignorance will be your foundation’
Finally all reference vanishes
—a sacrifice of matter
لخولة أطلال ببرقة ثهمد
كباقي الوشم في ظاهر اليد
I'd speak
if I wasn’t afraid
of inhaling
a memory
ذكريات ... تلوح