1 mg of anaesthetic put me to sleep
Sending me
Wandering across glaciers
Having to scale an iceberg
A mountain of unused drugs
1 mg was too heavy
Clinging on to just 1 mg
I struggled to move up
I wanted to shrug it off, that 1 mg
It was so heavy
Mom, mom, mom
I called my late mother
And the wide-open glacier echoed back
No Rabbits Though
Shall we go or not?
You yell
But how should I know?
I wish I could disappear
From everything I have to do
Which I don’t do
I pack some water, a map and a rabbit
A rabbit? No rabbits, no
That’s a no-go
But we set off, we cross a hill
And another, hippity-hop
We keep going, unable to go on
No rabbits, no, but lots of rabbit grass
Rows of apartment blocks with alleys in between
Without rabbits around, there’s plenty of rabbit grass
Shall we go or not?
We go and we do not
But then
We take an unexpected turn
We drag our dog along
Who tugs at his leash to sniff the rabbit grass
When you look at what’s visible
The invisible remains hidden
People, hemming and hawing
Nose-deep in rabbit grass
They’re not rabbits
Instead of rabbits
Invisible people
Cooped up in apartment blocks
A few goats managed to climb a tree
Dangling from its branches like mysterious fruit
Passing by a cottage with goats on the roof
We wheezed for a while
That day we hiked up the mountain
Walking and laughing hand in hand
Watching our grown-up children
Each one dangling from their own branch
We get up to have breakfast
Then drop our spoons without a word
See you later
Off to work
Where we talk to people
Who talk back to us
Watching chauvinist people say chauvinist things on TV
I get worked up like them
They speak in syllogisms
Apartments are made of concrete
Concrete is a mixture of cement, water and gravel
Therefore apartments are made of those three things
Their viewpoints are unchangeable
Vodka is made of potatoes
Potatoes are vegetables
Therefore vodka is salad
As someone might paraphrase them
They say they listen but they don’t care what you say
We don’t eat to live
We live to eat
As the age-old maxim goes
The goats stay up the tree
Not to eat, I think
Nor to live
If you ask me
They went up
Just to go up
And now they’re there
Unable to come back down
To Each Their Own Way
Birds fly by in V-formation
Tracing a parabola through the air
The wingbeat changes with every lead bird
One eye open, one eye closed
They sleep and fly
With a compass in their eyes
Guiding them somewhere north
Something to do with quantum mechanics
Or so they say
The birds don’t mind me at all
Or this army of cars on Gangbyeon Highway
They don’t care about
These solitary creatures wrapped in layers of steel
These individuals stuck in traffic jams
This row of riverside apartments
This murky gray winter sky
These profit-yielding properties
Owned by cold-blooded profiteers
Against a backdrop of impenetrable safety glass
High above the standstill
Of people in a rush
The birds in V-formation
Fly on and on
In the opposite direction
No reason, no correlation
Everyone must go their own way
Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Thursday Friday Saturday
Particle Staccato
Glimmering things
Flowing things
Merge into one, it turns out
If rivers are eternal bodies
Eternal particles make them glimmer
You, already dead, continue to flow
While I, still alive
Remain to watch the glimmer
Meaningful, in a way
Meaningless, in a way
Particles float towards
Reckless seas and masses of sameness