the übermensch is a rara avis
the rare bird is a l’étranger
the outsider is a theos apo mekhanes
the deus ex machina is a peregrine
kinezopeisi, or the panacea of the greeks
kalo nggak panas ya masuk angin
i find it amazing
in a city of 12 million desperados
i can’t find a single decent trustworthy
air conditioner technician!
perhaps she is right
we all listen to the rumble of chariots
(no it is not in our hearts!)
too attentively
believe me motherfuckers
the soul is a terrible thing to waste
on oxblood horween chromexcel alden indy in the barrie last
what is the point of telling people
too many feels
better spend your time googling pictures of girls
you not-so-secretly have crushes on
domo arigato godzilla-san
smash your head on the funk rock
berapa lama kita dikasih waktu di dunia
this disambiguation page lists articles associated with the wrong title
everything will get smaller after this line
before everything eventually dissolves
kesedihan père lachaise yang membusuk di petamburan
hidup akhirnya membawaku bertemu dengan seorang penyair dari cape town di pekalongan
hi your name is rustum kozain if you were born here i would’ve called you rustam
and i sneaked away from the crowd to take a photo of afrizal malna’s back as he was about to cross the pantura road
inikah yang mereka sebut jalan pos daendels itu?
sebuah parade keterasingan dan umbul umbul pilkadal?
aku berjalan memisahkan diri dari kerumunan menuju ke batik workshop yang telah lama menjelma menjadi parking spot
aku berjalan memisahkan diri dari kerumunan menuju WC Rp2000
aku berjalan memisahkan diri dari kerumunan untuk menggilas keheningan
hi this is weird the word for cambuk is the same for you and for me and the entire human race
hi this is weird this is freaking me out this music
it’s the same song they play at the coon carnival
what do they play in cape canaveral?
making your own days means having the conviction that non-sequiturs eventually make sense
making your own days means having the ability to disconnect from Li Po
imma makin me own river kiang
aku suka melihat bebek bebekku bersenang senang dan tumbuh besar melebihi rentangan tanganku
aku bahagia melihat gundulnya memantulkan sebuah sore di pekalongan
sirup kawista, soda water, tatami di taman firdaus mini penuh gegoleran
hi i dreamt of you a couple of days later
we went to see a movie together
but not together
you accosted me for not noticing you
and i kept my gaze fixed on the end credits
the music was good on this one what song was that the singer sounded like neko case
neko neko wae kamu
hi your name is FINIS the field has nothing to do with you
villainelle, deux
i’ve been trying to write poetry and failing
no-mind in hyper-intellectual tzu-jan
semacam keheningan yang dipaksakan
life should be like that
the empathy of burning windows
i’ve been trying to write poetry and failing
make compost out of burning leaves
an addiction to delayed pleasures?
semacam keheningan yang dipaksakan
places get displaced in memories
this is useless
i’ve been trying to write poetry and failing
giant eels careening in overtly familiar territory
we all listen to the rumble of chariots
semacam keheningan yang dipaksakan
i eat capitalism for breakfast
i need an extra n to spell out your name on wordfeud
i’ve been trying to write poetry and failing
semacam keheningan yang dipaksakan