He's a Sweetie


mmSweet lips
mmSweet face
mmSweet eyes
mmSweet laugh
mmSweet gait

mmSweet talk
mmSweet adventures
Sweet costume
Sweet turningwalkingwandering

Sweet flute mm
Sweet hands mm
Sweet feet  even the dust on his feet
Sweet his dancing
Sweet his friendship

mmSweet how he sings drinks eats sleeps swims
mmSweet looks
Sweet the sacred mark on his forehead

Sweet how he does what he does
Even when he pilfers
And when he pukes
Sweet when he's calm
The very thought of him

Sweet his neck-chain sweet the berries on it sweet his favorite river Yamuna sweet its waves waters lotus sweet sweet sweet

Sweet his girlfriends
Sweet the loveplay
Sweet meeting  painfully-sweet parting
Sweet how he looks acts

Sweet-cowherds sweet-cows sweet-cane
Sweet his creation

He's a Sweetie
Without exception

translated from the Sanskrit by Mani Rao