No One Answers The Calls

Pablo Ingberg

Waking Candle

A candle lit, a little flame
A little birthday candle, insignificant
In the night not even immense
But only night, all of it night
Without the limits of light or time
Without wind, immobile, only the immobile air
Not dark, only night, all of it night
No stars, no surface on which to rest
A little birthday candle without a birthday
Only a little flickering candle consuming itself
Not even flustered
In the only always night
Not even immense

Smoke Signals

I raised a monument perennial like the air
The air corrupted by the years
By factories of voices that exhale it
And the wind is ever carrying
The air tainted by breaths
Exhaled by factories
Always of ephemeral modernity
Just more durable than voices
Exhaling the tainted air
Of words united in sentences
Sometimes wavering in questions
And great works of modernity
That the corrupted wind whirls up
It whisks the words and toxic smoke
Exhaled in unison
Papers the wind will turn to dust
Monuments of sweeping air
Visible if at all as indistinguishable mist
The smoke from factories of perennial nothingness

The Scene of the Crime

Our dead return to life in dreams
And then, upon awakening, death comes again
A bittersweet mingling of the cruel bliss
Of being with them again and the perpetual forlornness
Of their never remaining not for always 
The maternal ghost embraced like air
Water between fingers blood
The dream desire of living with them again
And the terror of reliving death
Upon awakening to this awakening
The knife back at the scene of the crime
To open yet again the wound

translated from the Spanish by Sarah Moses