Five Poems

Ekaterina Derysheva

the elastic substance of alarm

tremor waters wash the body’s indented line

{a peninsula in quaking lava of gestures}

body’s ripples written in optional cursive on history’s river arm

translated from the Russian by Andrew Janco, Olga Livshin, Asher Maria, and Kevin M. F. Platt


mute seamstresses
embroider the canvas
as a pulsating shriek
translated from the Russian by Asher Maria and Kevin M. F. Platt


The Installation Has Been Canceled
voice snowed over
wind blown cable
20 m/s
checking authorization
call back later
crystals of silence emerge
in the stream of atmospheric masses blown
about cable hardens snaps
the installation has been canceled
translated from the Russian by Kevin M. F. Platt and Ryan Hardy


[lake icing over]
the telescoping cylinder of the watercourse captures the cornea’s agitation
{inverted snow scatters
in cyclical drops of light}
threat’s migratory meanings
oscillation of stems
ruins on bitmap foto landscape embroidered in crosses.
translated from the Russian by Ryan Hardy and Kevin M. F. Platt


language rewinding with language
thought systems constantly change

converting from binary to decimal
and the angle of a kiss changes meanings
pushing out frequencies with archimedean force
influencing the moment’s milling
translated from the Russian by Ryan Hardy and Kevin M.F. Platt