Four Poems

Bai Juyi


The grass is back, it always comes back.
This grass you cannot get rid of, year after year after year.
Can’t pave over it, it’ll come back through the sidewalk.
I’ll see you when I see you. You don’t call, you don’t write.

The Bloom is not a Bloom

You call these flowers? You call this perfume?
I wasn’t expecting company.
How long are you in town? Next time then.

Sleeping on a Night of Autumn Rain

I knew the guy that lived there, an old man.
Owned the building. Beautiful home.
Last November, rainy night.
Went to sleep and never woke up.
I wonder what they’ll do with the building.

Remembering South of the River

I loved it across the river. They knew me over there.
Red, red flowers at sunrise. Green water in the spring.
You don’t forget that.

translated from the Chinese by Joey Schwartzman