Birth of the Vampire
THE VAMPIRE’S MOTHER: Guerramoutaille moutaille.
Cyclotube ellefeurgine sitane oulla satan.
Mother of gash, cistern of rutabaga.
Gift of priapus, ladder of docilducks.
Gone astray the bowl of michenab.
Pockmarked the traitor.
The mantrocyte acid freezes and disimputes a chestnut field where bees and codnees instruct the trunk of misery and of ditch, a fraulein sapper who rishcutts and sips the after-keg.
Serious declinings, petroholic apostrophe, disgushing bower.
O fecal thunder, crap of clay scissors, mason, crupette, velozone, berber catiche, anthropoid and red-brown panorama.
Sleep the rind canoe.
THE WOMAN WITH TWO CLUB FEET: He will eat, he will eat, but he doesn’t know it.
He’ll suck, he’ll suck, but he doesn’t know.
Slapslut. The fantastic glint is coming. The arc bent with purple glue and garnet is calculating the grey-toned, damasked gash of sulfurous vines.
The red flash writes itself in the buttock skin.
Sealed offspring of futuribles.
Dramatic disboiler.
THE CHILD VAMPIRE: Tabarig hic-nic.
Tshrub where the nightingale with canary stockings squirts the luvgild tree and inseminates the honeyrocking papelupin.
Cornered Gayety acid pocket-sized Gayety, hermaphroditic lock, double footpath, millerly solicitation, that’s where the clawed stubble inhales through moocadent and masturbated suckers the ima of youth.
Where can we plunge into murderous sulpha?
Assassin of flaws, where can we shape and disguise the dappled mane electrolyzed by the divine mastication of tumorous languidness.
Where can we sing?
Where can we beat the tomtom? Where can we lobotomize the racecar drenched in vaginal night?
Where can we whitewash the trajectories of the apple tree wild about véga?
The road is full of veins, hooded with chaos and swollen with dried plums.
The wooded thickness of the waterless fruity sporran accumulates heavily on the back-broken stratosphere.
Mythological hemming, brahmanize to the starred flashes of mixtures.
The sepearlated zone pitches and stows the cellular portholes, navels of the future, nostrils of fata!
In what nucleus does the void repulse mantostellar hydras?
Why does the panoute’s cry change the axis of suppurated stumps?
Why does the discharge of the pointed zeppelin milk the female friend of night?
O the dreams! O the bearded men of the astral fridge!
O the seagull of snow!
O the flowered flanks of the glacier crucified in a one-legged, violet penumbra!
The twilight of frost scrapes with a razor the muffled profile of digital horizons. It’s the zydatrunkal plane of shoe soles evaporated in the mid-range.
Footprints hesitate in the porous clay, they abdicate like the circles of a soundwave.
Silence reigns.
Silence in the mechanical lapse of memory, mutating muttonry in the preening tissues, in the liquifying cells, in the petrifying waterholes.
Deformed Natkeja!
Putricollard grimace.
Badrouf Kneuchimauk!
Latapoutné! Gihout! Rrrr!
O Dré Dou —— klahounnne.
Come to me, Pedhizes!
Tartar sun, eyeglass of satin-smooth cone, luminous smudge, transport my pinned kneecaps! Disarticulate my fontanelling forests! Debrosh my medoïdal sandwiches!
The vertigo of mallaxised paws curetted in the llamas of the neptune breaks my bones and fades my fulminiting temperas!
Bohec of barbarian!
Matrandicious health, silver-plated chubby bum, ceruse of the Mediatial Gland, dawn with trefoils of mandalume, embalm my rags, exclaim my crepuscular anointments!
I want to live, I want to destroy the coliseum where crappies and firelions moderate the whims of the lemur!
May incendiary destruction apostasize the shepherd’s crook of dogmatic weasels!
Leave the horizon and the hunting horn to the patrician dipthongs, let them divide up the subdumen parade!
Crude parade, tentative parade, parade of papier mâché that a rigidity of yellowing nuts and bolts is transforming into a hermitage of raw steel!
Let my heart, let my heart sing, let my uvula repeat to the echos of kettledrums the carpented cheese that the crown of acacia marks with a pontalion stigmata!
Clutch in your hands the memory of Saracen dragons! Extirpate the science of colonel dervishes! Of the cathartic ottomans!
O the lion bleating in comfort, who, before fading away on the slope, objugates the condor’s syringes!
Thus, life extends like a confectionery tent, like a pond of mauve liqueur where the contemplative water lily inflames the blueblushing bullrush.
Giraffe-skinned existence cunningly walks on its knees, blooming with bombanucks and sagittarians, embracing the grizzled reflection of the back of an outfit.
I throw myself into the corpulent and fluvial drool, into the temples of vital water, into the arcana of imminent kisses, the breath of the crater—and I dive!
Death of the Vampire’s Mother
THE VAMPIRE’S MOTHER (dying): The harpoon has unwound my entrails.
Sulpheruge of my blond caresses.
The climate of ceylan swings palmate feet above my head.
Gannrimivar-the-Tepid pumps absynthe from my veins.
I play at speckled dolls which disconcerts the linoleum rings.
I amuse the lantern.
O child, when will you speak the full ounce of the squeekommand where tears of boiling larva test the leaden poet?
Nest of muzzles!
Ooze pollen from the battered buttocks!
O child, can you endure the pillory of wreckage?
THE CHILD VAMPIRE: Let the beards of corncobs hanging from your elbows flow at the back of my ears.
THE VAMPIRE’S MOTHER: Child, my child! Will you drive away the priest’s mosquito?
Child, my child. Will you dolorize the occultist decanter who snores while pasteurizing the main-floor naves?
Will you sing the alma teapot of the brank bromine?
Oh! The tulip darkens!
THE CHILD VAMPIRE: Joust with the damitall!
Absolve the methylene!
Ah! could it be that flesh is desiccating!
THE VAMPIRE’S MOTHER: Acclaim the genubend of the girl with the rosary pubis.
I call for a boreal drum!
Poor uggily.
Niak — reboge.
O black carnival.
Foreskin of looseoak.
Satan will accept the gallows of the footsoldier robin.
The flayesh is tearing apart . . .
(She dies.)
THE VAMPIRE (transmuting from child to adult. As he ages, his pain fades away): The tolling of the rummaged setsquare eliminates my dream.
Denture of lost crowds!
Indentations of garbageman gravy boats!
Courtly shoes of midges hanging on the hairless vesicles of a winding sheet.
The boyard with channelled facebones is fragmenting the sum total of sick chain rustlings, the albuminal boyard heats up the irritations of saulsucked thighs, he rips from his temples a scar of bread gavottes, of carbon sorrels!
The pâté of cascades absolves into slickery the scalded globules from harvests of cobaltic sweats.
Rock of sweatitude!
The donkeywort, whipped with limping fireflies, sprinkles with lobotomized crosses a concert of tiny bells that the breast of the dead vomits.
But the platinum oar swallows the torrent in the solicitude of verdolent heavy water.
The meander thickens.
The oar, with its childbirths of muddy bullrushes, weighs more than the cupolite shoesole and moves like the retro-dream of a dead bison.
The curtain of metal lace undulates over the grey-blue decor and its mass doubles the amnesiac fire of bouffant hopes.
Let sink the protocol of the oyster coat of arms, the four square corners of the tomb of the vermillion braziers, the petting of sculpted caribou, the fur of deaths with moist clitorides.
And then, in the great barns of ripe leaves, a worm glowing with sunlight has moistened with yellow water the tank of our intestines.
The chestnut whistled in the bankrolls.
But a power-hammer auscultates the depths of my prostate.
(Brief pause.)
The criminal glandular fife warbles at the bottom of the well.
Who stole my humanite?
What powder owns the waxed canvas of withered cactus where the professional pick-axe self-hypnotizes?
Oh! The beard-dog’s handcuffs strangle the emerald crumbs of my gastric citadel.
Errrynnnnda! Houh-lla!!
Batter kkoinkr! The olive of sleep! Bouzzinnen! Ahknh!
Troufflafla Fladdeu.
The ground of the cathratrobafan.