MOTHER: Thank you for saying yes!
LARSEN: Yes, thank you!
MR CLEAVES: The pleasure’s all mine.
MOTHER: May you reap your reward one day.
MR CLEAVES: I’m doing it for the greater good.
LARSEN: Thank you, we’re so grateful.
MR CLEAVES: Not at all, not at all.
MOTHER: You may well have said no.
LARSEN: Or selected someone else.
MOTHER: I wouldn’t know how to go on living.
LARSEN: And I would go to ruin.
MOTHER: He’d drive himself nuts.
LARSEN: I’d drive myself nuts, for sure.
MOTHER: But you said yes.
LARSEN: Thank you, again.
MR CLEAVES: But remember, I have no expectations.
LARSEN: You’re doing it for the greater good.
MR CLEAVES: That’s correct.
LARSEN: I will always think of you fondly.
MOTHER: May you reap your reward one day.
MR CLEAVES: All right, why don’t we start.
LARSEN: I must admit I’m feeling a bit unwell.
MOTHER: You’ve never had character.
LARSEN: I must admit I’m scared.
MOTHER: Oh, I’m so ashamed.
MR CLEAVES: Don’t be. These are normal symptoms.
MOTHER: No, really, he makes me feel ashamed.
LARSEN: I’m scared.
MR CLEAVES: Try thinking of something extraordinary.
MOTHER: Think of flying saucers.
LARSEN: I’m trying, but . . . I’m scared, all the same.
MOTHER: Or hamsters.
MR CLEAVES: Fortunately, it’s not going to take long.
MOTHER: Did you hear? It’s not going to take long.
MR CLEAVES: The methods have been perfected.
LARSEN: I hope so.
MOTHER: Otherwise he’d drive himself nuts.
MR CLEAVES: Let’s start.
LARSEN: I thought it was already over and done with.
MOTHER: You’ll start a new life.
MR CLEAVES: I’m actually in the midst of the process.
MOTHER: He’s in the midst of the process.
MR CLEAVES: I’m getting there now.
MOTHER: He’s getting there now.
MR CLEAVES: I’m almost done.
LARSEN: Are you done?
MR CLEAVES: I’m done.
MOTHER: It’s done.
MR CLEAVES: It has been a success.
MOTHER: Well? . . .
LARSEN: Not bad, I’d say.
MOTHER: Do you recognize me?
LARSEN: There was no reason to be scared.
MR CLEAVES: I don’t expect remuneration at all.
LARSEN: And so . . . I haven’t gone to ruin.
MOTHER: There’s a whole new life ahead of you.
LARSEN: But I thought it was all over and done with?
LARSEN: This time you’re dealing with someone special.
DELUZHYN: Everybody says so.
LARSEN: You’re dealing with me.
DELUZHYN: And you, with me.
LARSEN: I’m sure you’re in for quite a surprise.
DELUZHYN: We’ll see.
LARSEN: Can I be honest with you?
DELUZHYN: Go ahead.
LARSEN: Speaking without symbols?
DELUZHYN: Be as direct as you like.
LARSEN: Why me?
DELUZHYN: I’m sorry, but that’s how it is.
LARSEN: Unavoidably?
DELUZHYN: Unavoidably, as you very well know.
LARSEN: It’s routine to you, isn’t it.
DELUZHYN: Call it experience.
LARSEN: Coldness.
DELUZHYN: Expertise.
LARSEN: Did they have to send you?
DELUZHYN: I’m sure they have their reasons.
LARSEN: Why not someone more understanding.
DELUZHYN: Things would be even more complicated.
LARSEN: Looks like I have no choice.
DELUZHYN: I’m sorry, but that’s how it is.
LARSEN: Give me just a moment to make the decision.
DELUZHYN: OK, but it’s not like it’s going to change a thing.
LARSEN: Someone more sympathetic.
DELUZHYN: Especially in a place like this.
LARSEN: Stop putting words in my mouth.
DELUZHYN: OK, make your decision yourself.
LARSEN: Should I close my eyes?
DELUZHYN: I don’t mind either way.
LARSEN: Coldness, as I said.
DELUZHYN: The important thing is you hear me.
LARSEN: Well, then . . .
DELUZHYN: Take your time.
LARSEN: I’m going to ask you a question.
DELUZHYN: That’s what I’m here for.
LARSEN: Remember, you’re dealing with someone special.
DELUZHYN: Everybody says so.
LARSEN: So here’s my question.
DELUZHYN: I’m all ears.
LARSEN: Well . . .
DELUZHYN: I’m sorry, but that’s how it is.
LARSEN: So my question is . . .
DELUZHYN: Take your time.
LARSEN: Where am I, exactly?
DELUZHYN: There you go.
LARSEN: Did I do well?
DELUZHYN: Congratulations.
LARSEN: Shall I ask again?
DELUZHYN: Please do.
LARSEN: Where am I, exactly?
DELUZHYN: Right next to me.
LARSEN: Which is where?
DELUZHYN: Which is here.
MOTHER: He could have frozen in the head . . .
MR CLEAVES: Fixated on a single spot.
MOTHER: Poor lamb.
MR CLEAVES: He could have come to a complete halt.
MOTHER: Staring vacantly into the sky.
MR CLEAVES: Fixated on a single spot.
MOTHER: And stayed like that forever.
MR CLEAVES: Like a statue.
MOTHER: Or an ice sculpture.
MR CLEAVES: That’s right. Like an anonymous ice sculpture.
MOTHER: And then melt. Sink into the ground.
MR CLEAVES: Without the slightest trace.
MOTHER: We have prevented it, though.
MR CLEAVES: We just had to react.
MOTHER: As his true friends.
MR CLEAVES: Who care about him.
MOTHER: And have his best interests at heart.
MR CLEAVES: The only sensitive ones.
MOTHER: And decisive!
MR CLEAVES: There was no time to lose.
MOTHER: So we had to act quickly.
MR CLEAVES: On subconscious impulse.
MOTHER: Non-rationally.
MR CLEAVES: And yet rationally.
MOTHER: Rationally, since we didn’t want him to disappear . . .
MR CLEAVES: Precisely. We didn’t want to lose sight of him.
MOTHER: He could have melted.
MR CLEAVES: Like an utterly anonymous ice sculpture.
MOTHER: But we have managed to prevent it.
MR CLEAVES: Although it was a very close shave.
MOTHER: We saw the danger in time.
MR CLEAVES: We were quite fortunate.
MOTHER: As one so rarely is . . .
MR CLEAVES: Still, in this case, all went well.
MOTHER: Normally you’re left with nothing.
MR CLEAVES: It was virtually a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
MOTHER: And to think that, of all people, it has happened to us.
MR CLEAVES: There is something uncanny about it, that’s right.
MOTHER: A vital sign, that’s true.
MR CLEAVES: If not for us, he’d have melted like an ice sculpture.
MOTHER: He’d have been left all alone.
MR CLEAVES: Like a statue.
MOTHER: With no friends to care about him.
MR CLEAVES: Motionless, staring into the sky.
MOTHER: But luckily, we have prevented it.
MR CLEAVES: There was no way we would have let it happen.
MOTHER: Serious willpower was applied.
MR CLEAVES: Literally, at the eleventh hour.
MOTHER: Because we acted fast.
MR CLEAVES: People are quite wrong to wait until the last moment.
MOTHER: As they discover to their loss. But we took a decision.
MR CLEAVES: There was no time to be lost.
MOTHER: And now we can be proud of ourselves.
MR CLEAVES: Yes, I suppose.
MOTHER: A sign, right?
MR CLEAVES: Can’t rule anything out.
MOTHER: Someone must have wished it, obviously.
MR CLEAVES: There was no time to lose.
MOTHER: Should we be proud of ourselves?
MR CLEAVES: Yes. I suppose.
MR CLEAVES: Did he fidget?
DELUZHYN: I’ll steer him. I promise to steer him appropriately.
MR CLEAVES: Did. He. Fidget.
DELUZHYN: He didn’t recognize anything.
MR CLEAVES: He is defeated, as expected.
DELUZHYN: You can’t be sure.
MR CLEAVES: Of course one can be sure!
DELUZHYN: What if he changes over time?
MR CLEAVES: He has no right to.
DELUZHYN: He needs to get a chance.
MR CLEAVES: He has no right to.
DELUZHYN: He’ll start wondering sooner or later.
MR CLEAVES: You can’t permit it.
DELUZHYN: He didn’t fidget much, in fact.
MR CLEAVES: Typical sign of weakness.
DELUZHYN: Or concentration.
MR CLEAVES: Don’t even mention a scary possibility like this.
DELUZHYN: But he didn’t recognize a thing.
MR CLEAVES: Make him sit still.
DELUZHYN: I’ll steer him as appropriate.
MR CLEAVES: Don’t let me down, do you hear me?
DELUZHYN: We have to trust each other.
MR CLEAVES: Never trust anyone.
DELUZHYN: Anyone? And how about you?
MR CLEAVES: You must keep no secrets from me.
DELUZHYN: But really? Not even you?
MR CLEAVES: Trust has nothing to do with it.
DELUZHYN: I’ll see to it that he doesn’t realise.
MR CLEAVES: Remember . . .
DELUZHYN: No worries. He didn’t fidget.
MR CLEAVES: Keep your distance.
DELUZHYN: Even in moments of weakness, distance.
MR CLEAVES: There must be no moments of weakness.
DELUZHYN: Keep my distance.
MR CLEAVES: Keep your distance.
DELUZHYN: No rash moves.
MR CLEAVES: He is defeated.
DELUZHYN: I’ll see to it.
MR CLEAVES: He’ll never change. Ever.
DELUZHYN: Even if he does, then just a little bit.
MR CLEAVES: Allowing him to change is out of the question.
DELUZHYN: I’ll keep my distance, always.
MR CLEAVES: I won’t have him changed, do you hear me?
DELUZHYN: I’ll see to it.
MR CLEAVES: And I want no mistakes.
DELUZHYN: Everything under perfect control.
MR CLEAVES: It starts to look good to me.
DELUZHYN: He is defeated.
MR CLEAVES: And shouldn’t be allowed to find out.
DELUZHYN: We need to continue.
MR CLEAVES: To consolidate.
DELUZHYN: Ideally, press him a bit more.
MR CLEAVES: Without overdoing it, however.
DELUZHYN: Keeping my distance?
MR CLEAVES: As that could trigger a counter-response.
DELUZHYN: Which would mean trouble.
MR CLEAVES: And that is out of the question.
DELUZHYN: Consolidate, consolidate, consolidate.
MR CLEAVES: Continue and consolidate.
DELUZHYN: And don’t let him find out.
MOTHER: Do you like my hand?
LARSEN: It’s so delicate . . .
MOTHER: Oh, so you do like it. Exactly what we had in mind.
LARSEN: It’s so delicate and soft. And gentle. And so very, very kind.
MOTHER: I’m proud of you.
LARSEN: It is also wise.
MOTHER: Wise? Meaning? . . . How can a hand be wise?
LARSEN: It is wise, as it is part of your body. And you are very wise, every inch of you.
MOTHER: I’d never expected things would go so well!
LARSEN: Is there anything that could have not gone well?
MOTHER: No, nothing, really. Just bleak thoughts, you know.
LARSEN: May I kiss it?
MOTHER: Yes, if you wish. I’m touched. Who could have hoped for so much?
LARSEN: It tastes fruity, wonderful.
MOTHER: No wonder, dear. All the best lotions, top-quality beauty products . . .
LARSEN: All the best lotions, top-quality beauty products, sweet fruit, delicacies.
MOTHER: All just for you.
LARSEN: Now I am touched, too.
MOTHER: Top quality!
LARSEN: Thank you so much.
MOTHER: Whatever for?
LARSEN: For being here with me. And for your wise hand.
MOTHER: And this is what it’s going to be from now on . . . Unbelievable.
LARSEN: For those top-quality beauty products just for me.
MOTHER: Anything for you. Anything!
LARSEN: A shiver just went down my spine.
MOTHER: No violent emotions, please.
LARSEN: It’s what I felt.
MOTHER: You could have a relapse.
LARSEN: What’s a relapse?
MOTHER: Sorry, a slip of the tongue. It could trigger chronic migraine.
LARSEN: Something is controlling me.
MOTHER: We’re together. That’s what counts.
LARSEN: Something is telling me what to do.
MOTHER: Oh, stop it!
LARSEN: Sometimes, something drills through me.
MOTHER: Kiss the other hand.
LARSEN: It’s delicious too.
MOTHER: Just as the first one?
LARSEN: I’m not quite sure.
MOTHER: I’d be disappointed.
LARSEN: It’s not what I meant.
MOTHER: Well, what did you mean?
LARSEN: I just wanted to say, even softer and more perfect . . .
MOTHER: You mean the other one was worse?
LARSEN: Holding this one, it’s as if I have forgotten all about the other.
MOTHER: Short memory. Very short.
LARSEN: Yes, it’s odd, isn’t it. Voices . . .
MOTHER: The main thing is, the attitude’s so uniformly positive.
LARSEN: Has it ever been otherwise?
MOTHER: Oh, forget it.
LARSEN: It has always been soft and perfect.
MOTHER: They have always been soft and perfect. Repeat!
LARSEN: They have always been soft and perfect.
MOTHER: There was no difference.
LARSEN: There was no difference.
MOTHER: The best lotions, all just for you.
LARSEN: The best lotions. For me.
MOTHER: Are you happy?
LARSEN: Yes, I’m exceptionally happy today.
LARSEN: You’ve stopped taking risks, haven’t you?
DELUZHYN: Take a breath. Go on, a deep breath.
LARSEN: You’ve stopped looking around?
DELUZHYN: And again. And one more.
LARSEN: Maybe you just don’t care, then.
DELUZHYN: Bingo, that’s it.
LARSEN: Well, I make different choices.
DELUZHYN: It’s a matter of imagination.
LARSEN: There are many exciting possibilities.
DELUZHYN: Technically, it’s called a limited options range.
LARSEN: No one’s going to control . . .
DELUZHYN: This, too, can be intercepted.
LARSEN: Oh yeah? So what’s the number I just thought of?
DELUZHYN: There are only so many digits.
LARSEN: But their combinations! What was mine? Come on.
DELUZHYN: It takes up a huge amount of time.
LARSEN: It gives you a sense of . . .
DELUZHYN: It dulls the senses. That’s all it does.
LARSEN: There’s even a special word for it.
DELUZHYN: Just another common combination.
LARSEN: Identity.
DELUZHYN: And what good is it? You can’t eat it, can you.
LARSEN: An engine. Not even an engineer: an engine.
DELUZHYN: Wrinkles.
LARSEN: Don’t tell me it’s always been like this.
DELUZHYN: Keep your distance.
LARSEN: Breathe?
DELUZHYN: Miles and miles.
LARSEN: For some specific reason?
DELUZHYN: Just a combination.
LARSEN: There must have been a beginning. You never thought about it?
DELUZHYN: A narrow choice.
LARSEN: Now, for example.
DELUZHYN: You’ve only wasted some time. Do you remember your combination?
LARSEN: I cheated.
DELUZHYN: Every second counts.
LARSEN: But I was myself for a moment.
DELUZHYN: You could have scratched yourself.
LARSEN: Further divine combinations are being born.
DELUZHYN: It won’t do. You forgot your point of departure. Remember the original . . . ?
LARSEN: Combinations so hard to predict . . .
DELUZHYN: Which will lead you nowhere.
LARSEN: But will give me a sense . . .
DELUZHYN: Will give you a sense. A sense, that’s all.
LARSEN: It’s all that matters.
DELUZHYN: Scratch yourself.
LARSEN: Combinations so hard to predict . . .
DELUZHYN: Still, there’s the question of the beginning.
LARSEN: Long and winding lines, intricate sequences . . .
DELUZHYN: A temple pulsating.
LARSEN: A fortress.
DELUZHYN: Wasting precious energy.
LARSEN: The beginning! But what beginning?
LARSEN: This can give rise to . . .
DELUZHYN: Breathe.
LARSEN: Metastases.
DELUZHYN: You’ll get winded soon.
LARSEN: I’m able to concentrate.
DELUZHYN: Scratch yourself.
