Happy Friday, Asymptote people! Use the weekend to study for an up-to-date spelling test. This week witnessed a tragic end to that inexplicable squiggly line above (certain) vowels: the circonflexe mark (as in “î” or “û”) is going to be removed from official French orthography. And other weird French spellings (“oignon”) are going to be changed in the interest of logic (becoming “ognon”). Unsurprisingly, this #ReformeOrthographe has sparked quite the lively conversation… READ MORE…
Weekly News Roundup, 12th February 2016: Circonflexing Muscles
This week's literary highlights from across the globe
In Review: “Sign Tongue” by Enrique Winter
Amy Rebecca Klein reviews David McLoghlin's translation: "to read Winter is to surrender to the flood of images we live in."
The title of Enrique Winter’s new chapbook, “Sign Tongue,” translated by David McLoghlin, poses a challenge for poetry: Can the flat mirror of language contain the fullness of the tongue, the way we taste and even kiss? Can we ever translate a single mother tongue into a form of collective experience when the real has no language at all, but has given rise to so many? Winter, who hails from Chile and has lived and studied in New York, and whose poems appear in “Sign Tongue” side-by-side in English and Spanish forms, understands that to name the world in only one language is to impose borders on his imagination.
Yes, if naming the world was the first thing Adam did, then it was also the task he could never do well enough—besides, of course, keeping Eve happy. How can one word—‘tongue’—mean both the cold and analytical and the warm and sensual? The sign, whether word or image, is always too simple to convey the thing we see.
Weekly News Roundup, 31st January 2014: New Sappho, Hard science fiction, Language Olympiads
A look at some of the most important literary news this past week
Without a doubt, this week’s spine tingling, gosh-wow literary hullabaloo was due to the fortuitous discovery of two new poems by Greek lyric poet (and all-around legend) Sappho. Our archives of Sappho’s poetry are notoriously fragmented, but Oxford papyrologist Dr. Dirk Obbink says the poems are “indubitably” hers—heartening news for lyric-lovers all around. READ MORE…