sets versus setbacks
a flashback
a flashback inside a flashback
a flashback inside a flashback of
a flashback
a flashback inside a third flashback
memory falls into memory
rockflower on smooth water
all tiresome (flashback)
minus the recollection of the recollection of the recollection
of the recollection
warning to the castaway
This page, for example,
wasn’t born to be read.
It was born to be pallid,
a mere plagiarism of the Iliad,
something that silences,
leaf that returns to the branch,
long after having shed.
It was born to be a beach,
who knows maybe Andromeda, Antarctica,
Himalayas, sensible syllable,
it was born to be the last
the one that hasn’t been born yet.
Words brought awhile
away by the waters of the Nile,
one day, this page, papyrus,
will have to be translated,
to symbols, to Sanskrit,
to all the dialects of India,
will have to say good morning
which one only whispers,
it will have to be the abrupt stone
where one has dropped the glass.
Is life not like that?
The world ending,
you can relax.
All that
will come back.
Reconstruct it all
according to the structure of my verse.
Wind, I said how.
Cloud, I said when.
Sun, house, street,
reigns, ruins, years,
I said how we were.
Love, I said how.
And how is it again?